[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [Xen-bugs] [Bug 1065] Vista-smp will blue screen (101) when do heavy disk access in domain0
http://bugzilla.xensource.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1065 ------- Comment #6 from learn.hu@xxxxxxxxx 2007-10-17 23:20 ------- 0: kd> uf nt!KeUpdateRuntime nt!KeUpdateRunTime: 81828374 8bff mov edi,edi 81828376 55 push ebp 81828377 8bec mov ebp,esp 81828379 83ec0c sub esp,0Ch 8182837c 53 push ebx 8182837d 56 push esi 8182837e 648b3520000000 mov esi,dword ptr fs:[20h] 81828385 57 push edi 81828386 8b7e04 mov edi,dword ptr [esi+4] 81828389 3b7e0c cmp edi,dword ptr [esi+0Ch] 8182838c 8bda mov ebx,edx 8182838e 894df8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx 81828391 742c je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x4b (818283bf) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1f: 81828393 eb02 jmp nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x23 (81828397) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x21: 81828395 f390 pause nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x23: 81828397 8b4714 mov eax,dword ptr [edi+14h] 8182839a 8b4f10 mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+10h] 8182839d 8b5718 mov edx,dword ptr [edi+18h] 818283a0 3bc2 cmp eax,edx 818283a2 75f1 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x21 (81828395) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x30: 818283a4 3b4724 cmp eax,dword ptr [edi+24h]// determin the software interrupt 818283a7 7216 jb nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x4b (818283bf) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x35: 818283a9 7705 ja nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x3c (818283b0) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x37: 818283ab 3b4f20 cmp ecx,dword ptr [edi+20h] 818283ae 720f jb nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x4b (818283bf) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x3c: 818283b0 b102 mov cl,2 818283b2 c686c119000001 mov byte ptr [esi+19C1h],1 818283b9 ff1594108081 call dword ptr [nt!_imp_HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt (81801094)] nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x4b: 818283bf 299edc190000 sub dword ptr [esi+19DCh],ebx 818283c5 8b86dc190000 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+19DCh] 818283cb 33db xor ebx,ebx 818283cd 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 818283cf 0f8f32020000 jg nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x292 (81828607) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x61: 818283d5 385e10 cmp byte ptr [esi+10h],bl 818283d8 7579 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xde (81828453) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x66: 818283da 8d86051a0000 lea eax,[esi+1A05h] 818283e0 fe08 dec byte ptr [eax] 818283e2 756f jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xde (81828453) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x70: 818283e4 8a0dc21a9381 mov cl,byte ptr [nt!KiClockKeepAliveCycle (81931ac2)] 818283ea 8808 mov byte ptr [eax],cl//clockeepalivecycle 818283ec 8d8e041a0000 lea ecx,[esi+1A04h] //ecx=clockkeepalivecycle 818283f2 0fb601 movzx eax,byte ptr [ecx] 818283f5 8b1485001a9381 mov edx,dword ptr nt!KiProcessorBlock (81931a00)[eax*4] 818283fc 8d5801 lea ebx,[eax+1] 818283ff 895dfc mov dword ptr [ebp-4],ebx 81828402 8a1db01a9381 mov bl,byte ptr [nt!KeNumberProcessors (81931ab0)] 81828408 0fbedb movsx ebx,bl 8182840b 395dfc cmp dword ptr [ebp-4],ebx 8182840e 7204 jb nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xa0 (81828414) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x9c: 81828410 33db xor ebx,ebx 81828412 eb03 jmp nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xa3 (81828417) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xa0: 81828414 8a5dfc mov bl,byte ptr [ebp-4]//bl number of processors nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xa3: 81828417 8819 mov byte ptr [ecx],bl 81828419 33db xor ebx,ebx 8182841b ff8a001a0000 dec dword ptr [edx+1A00h] 81828421 7530 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xde (81828453) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xaf: 81828423 381d56179381 cmp byte ptr [nt!KeEnableWatchdogTimeout (81931756)],bl 81828429 741e je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xd4 (81828449) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xb7: 8182842b 381db4bf8f81 cmp byte ptr [nt!KeBugCheckActive (818fbfb4)],bl 81828431 7516 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xd4 (81828449) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xbf: 81828433 50 push eax 81828434 0fb605c21a9381 movzx eax,byte ptr [nt!KiClockKeepAliveCycle (81931ac2)] 8182843b 52 push edx 8182843c 53 push ebx 8182843d 50 push eax 8182843e 6801010000 push 101h 81828443 e863010b00 call nt!KeBugCheckEx (818d85ab) 81828448 cc int 3 nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xd4: 81828449 c782001a000002000000 mov dword ptr [edx+1A00h],2 nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xde: 81828453 c786001a000002000000 mov dword ptr [esi+1A00h],2 8182845d a1a01a9381 mov eax,dword ptr [nt!KeMaximumIncrement (81931aa0)] 81828462 0186dc190000 add dword ptr [esi+19DCh],eax 81828468 8b45f8 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8] 8182846b f7407000000200 test dword ptr [eax+70h],20000h 81828472 7578 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x177 (818284ec) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0xff: 81828474 f6406c01 test byte ptr [eax+6Ch],1 81828478 7572 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x177 (818284ec) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x105: 8182847a ff8628050000 inc dword ptr [esi+528h] 81828480 807e1102 cmp byte ptr [esi+11h],2 81828484 7550 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x161 (818284d6) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x111: 81828486 8a869a190000 mov al,byte ptr [esi+199Ah] 8182848c 84c0 test al,al 8182848e 7446 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x161 (818284d6) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x11b: 81828490 8b865c050000 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+55Ch] 81828496 ff8630050000 inc dword ptr [esi+530h] 8182849c 3bc3 cmp eax,ebx 8182849e 7458 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x183 (818284f8) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x12b: 818284a0 ff8634050000 inc dword ptr [esi+534h] 818284a6 398634050000 cmp dword ptr [esi+534h],eax 818284ac 764a jbe nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x183 (818284f8) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x139: 818284ae 381d56179381 cmp byte ptr [nt!KeEnableWatchdogTimeout (81931756)],bl 818284b4 7418 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x159 (818284ce) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x141: 818284b6 381df0c39281 cmp byte ptr [nt!KdDebuggerEnabled (8192c3f0)],bl 818284bc 7410 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x159 (818284ce) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x149: 818284be 0f31 rdtsc 818284c0 8945f4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],eax 818284c3 8955f8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx 818284c6 cd2c int 2Ch 818284c8 d1a65c050000 shl dword ptr [esi+55Ch],1 nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x159: 818284ce 899e34050000 mov dword ptr [esi+534h],ebx 818284d4 eb22 jmp nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x183 (818284f8) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x161: 818284d6 807e1101 cmp byte ptr [esi+11h],1 818284da 7608 jbe nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x16f (818284e4) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x167: 818284dc ff8638050000 inc dword ptr [esi+538h] 818284e2 eb14 jmp nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x183 (818284f8) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x16f: 818284e4 ff877c010000 inc dword ptr [edi+17Ch] 818284ea eb0c jmp nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x183 (818284f8) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x177: 818284ec ff862c050000 inc dword ptr [esi+52Ch] 818284f2 ff87a8010000 inc dword ptr [edi+1A8h] nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x183: 818284f8 8b8e70190000 mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+1970h] 818284fe 8d86a0190000 lea eax,[esi+19A0h] 81828504 8bd1 mov edx,ecx 81828506 2b10 sub edx,dword ptr [eax] 81828508 8908 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx 8182850a 039690190000 add edx,dword ptr [esi+1990h] 81828510 8b866c190000 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+196Ch] 81828516 d1ea shr edx,1 81828518 85c0 test eax,eax 8182851a 899690190000 mov dword ptr [esi+1990h],edx 81828520 7445 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1f2 (81828567) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1ad: 81828522 8a869a190000 mov al,byte ptr [esi+199Ah] 81828528 84c0 test al,al 8182852a 753b jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1f2 (81828567) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1b7: 8182852c 8a8698190000 mov al,byte ptr [esi+1998h] 81828532 84c0 test al,al 81828534 7531 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1f2 (81828567) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1c1: 81828536 b102 mov cl,2 81828538 ff1594108081 call dword ptr [nt!_imp_HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt (81801094)] 8182853e a1e8199381 mov eax,dword ptr [nt!KiAdjustDpcThreshold (819319e8)] 81828543 89863c050000 mov dword ptr [esi+53Ch],eax 81828549 8b8690190000 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+1990h] 8182854f 3b05ec199381 cmp eax,dword ptr [nt!KiIdealDpcRate (819319ec)] 81828555 7335 jae nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x217 (8182858c) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1e2: 81828557 8d868c190000 lea eax,[esi+198Ch] 8182855d 8b08 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 8182855f 83f901 cmp ecx,1 81828562 7428 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x217 (8182858c) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1ef: 81828564 49 dec ecx 81828565 eb23 jmp nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x215 (8182858a) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1f2: 81828567 8d863c050000 lea eax,[esi+53Ch] 8182856d ff08 dec dword ptr [eax] 8182856f 751b jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x217 (8182858c) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x1fc: 81828571 8b0de8199381 mov ecx,dword ptr [nt!KiAdjustDpcThreshold (819319e8)] 81828577 8908 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx 81828579 8d868c190000 lea eax,[esi+198Ch] 8182857f 8b08 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] 81828581 3b0de0199381 cmp ecx,dword ptr [nt!KiMaximumDpcQueueDepth (819319e0)] 81828587 7403 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x217 (8182858c) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x214: 81828589 41 inc ecx nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x215: 8182858a 8908 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x217: 8182858c 399e081a0000 cmp dword ptr [esi+1A08h],ebx 81828592 7439 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x258 (818285cd) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x21f: 81828594 8d8e0c1a0000 lea ecx,[esi+1A0Ch] 8182859a 8bc1 mov eax,ecx 8182859c 83caff or edx,0FFFFFFFFh 8182859f f00fc110 lock xadd dword ptr [eax],edx 818285a3 7528 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x258 (818285cd) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x230: 818285a5 381d56179381 cmp byte ptr [nt!KeEnableWatchdogTimeout (81931756)],bl 818285ab 7418 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x250 (818285c5) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x238: 818285ad 381df0c39281 cmp byte ptr [nt!KdDebuggerEnabled (8192c3f0)],bl 818285b3 7410 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x250 (818285c5) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x240: 818285b5 0f31 rdtsc 818285b7 8945f4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],eax 818285ba 8955f8 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx 818285bd cd2c int 2Ch 818285bf d1a6081a0000 shl dword ptr [esi+1A08h],1 nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x250: 818285c5 8b86081a0000 mov eax,dword ptr [esi+1A08h] 818285cb 8901 mov dword ptr [ecx],eax nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x258: 818285cd 381df0c39281 cmp byte ptr [nt!KdDebuggerEnabled (8192c3f0)],bl 818285d3 7432 je nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x292 (81828607) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x260: 818285d5 8a8647050000 mov al,byte ptr [esi+547h] 818285db 3a4610 cmp al,byte ptr [esi+10h] 818285de 7505 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x270 (818285e5) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x26b: 818285e0 e8ede30a00 call nt!KdCheckForDebugBreak (818d69d2) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x270: 818285e5 fe8647050000 inc byte ptr [esi+547h] 818285eb 8a8647050000 mov al,byte ptr [esi+547h] 818285f1 8a0db01a9381 mov cl,byte ptr [nt!KeNumberProcessors (81931ab0)] 818285f7 0fbec9 movsx ecx,cl 818285fa 0fb6c0 movzx eax,al 818285fd 3bc1 cmp eax,ecx 818285ff 7506 jne nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x292 (81828607) nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x28c: 81828601 889e47050000 mov byte ptr [esi+547h],bl nt!KeUpdateRunTime+0x292: 81828607 5f pop edi 81828608 5e pop esi 81828609 5b pop ebx 8182860a c9 leave 8182860b c3 ret -- Configure bugmail: http://bugzilla.xensource.com/bugzilla/userprefs.cgi?tab=email ------- You are receiving this mail because: ------- You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee. _______________________________________________ Xen-bugs mailing list Xen-bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.xensource.com/xen-bugs
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