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[Xen-bugs] [Bug 1612] x86-64 : Can't start VM when vif set


------- Comment #16 from joseph.deming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  2010-05-27 10:09 -------
vacation?! there's no rest for the wicked ;)  j/k thanks for looking into this

here is output on fresh boot before anything goes wrong:

kraid:~# xenstore-ls
tool = ""
 xenstored = ""
vm = ""
 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = ""
  on_xend_stop = "ignore"
  shadow_memory = "0"
  uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  on_reboot = "restart"
  image = "(linux (kernel ) (superpages 0) (tsc_mode 0) (nomigrate 0))"
   ostype = "linux"
   kernel = ""
   cmdline = ""
   ramdisk = ""
  on_poweroff = "destroy"
  bootloader_args = ""
  on_xend_start = "ignore"
  on_crash = "restart"
  xend = ""
   restart_count = "0"
  vcpus = "12"
  vcpu_avail = "4095"
  bootloader = ""
  name = "Domain-0"
local = ""
 domain = ""
  0 = ""
   vm = "/vm/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
   device = ""
   control = ""
    platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend = "1"
   error = ""
   memory = ""
    target = "31115104"
   guest = ""
   hvmpv = ""
   data = ""
   cpu = ""
    1 = ""
     availability = "online"
    3 = ""
     availability = "online"
    8 = ""
     availability = "online"
    9 = ""
     availability = "online"
    2 = ""
     availability = "online"
    11 = ""
     availability = "online"
    7 = ""
     availability = "online"
    0 = ""
     availability = "online"
    5 = ""
     availability = "online"
    6 = ""
     availability = "online"
    10 = ""
     availability = "online"
    4 = ""
     availability = "online"
   description = ""
   console = ""
    limit = "1048576"
    type = "xenconsoled"
   domid = "0"
   name = "Domain-0"

and here is immediately after attempt to start machine with vifs and resulting
kernel oops:

kraid:~# xenstore-ls
tool = ""
 xenstored = ""
vm = ""
 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = ""
  on_xend_stop = "ignore"
  shadow_memory = "0"
  uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  on_reboot = "restart"
  image = "(linux (kernel ) (superpages 0) (tsc_mode 0) (nomigrate 0))"
   ostype = "linux"
   kernel = ""
   cmdline = ""
   ramdisk = ""
  on_poweroff = "destroy"
  bootloader_args = ""
  on_xend_start = "ignore"
  on_crash = "restart"
  xend = ""
   restart_count = "0"
  vcpus = "12"
  vcpu_avail = "4095"
  bootloader = ""
  name = "Domain-0"
 caef291b-8156-d42b-efb1-0f16d25a3e06 = ""
  image = "(linux (kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64) (ramdisk
/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64) (\..."
   ostype = "linux"
   kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64"
   cmdline = "root=/dev/xvda1 "
   ramdisk = "/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64"
  device = ""
   vbd = ""
    51713 = ""
     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51713"
     frontend-id = "1"
     backend-id = "0"
     backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51713"
    51714 = ""
     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51714"
     frontend-id = "1"
     backend-id = "0"
     backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51714"
   vif = ""
    0 = ""
     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vif/0"
     frontend-id = "1"
     backend-id = "0"
     backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0"
    1 = ""
     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vif/1"
     frontend-id = "1"
     backend-id = "0"
     backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/1"
   console = ""
    0 = ""
     frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/console/0"
     frontend-id = "1"
     backend-id = "0"
     backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/console/1/0"
  on_xend_stop = "ignore"
  shadow_memory = "0"
  uuid = "caef291b-8156-d42b-efb1-0f16d25a3e06"
  on_reboot = "restart"
  start_time = "1274979948.59"
  on_poweroff = "destroy"
  bootloader_args = ""
  on_xend_start = "ignore"
  on_crash = "restart"
  xend = ""
   restart_count = "0"
  vcpus = "1"
  vcpu_avail = "1"
  bootloader = ""
  name = "wario"
local = ""
 domain = ""
  0 = ""
   vm = "/vm/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
   device = ""
   control = ""
    platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend = "1"
   error = ""
   memory = ""
    target = "31115104"
   guest = ""
   hvmpv = ""
   data = ""
   cpu = ""
    1 = ""
     availability = "online"
    3 = ""
     availability = "online"
    8 = ""
     availability = "online"
    9 = ""
     availability = "online"
    2 = ""
     availability = "online"
    11 = ""
     availability = "online"
    7 = ""
     availability = "online"
    0 = ""
     availability = "online"
    5 = ""
     availability = "online"
    6 = ""
     availability = "online"
    10 = ""
     availability = "online"
    4 = ""
     availability = "online"
   description = ""
   console = ""
    limit = "1048576"
    type = "xenconsoled"
   domid = "0"
   name = "Domain-0"
   backend = ""
    vbd = ""
     1 = ""
      51713 = ""
       domain = "wario"
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51713"
       uuid = "c66c653b-bb91-9b95-b806-ed881c699efb"
       bootable = "1"
       dev = "xvda1"
       state = "4"
       params = "/dev/xendisks/wario-root"
       mode = "w"
       online = "1"
       frontend-id = "1"
       type = "phy"
       physical-device = "fe:0"
       hotplug-status = "connected"
       feature-barrier = "1"
       sectors = "25165824"
       info = "0"
       sector-size = "512"
      51714 = ""
       domain = "wario"
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vbd/51714"
       uuid = "590c7ce1-6cb6-123e-0972-b721e83fd38f"
       bootable = "0"
       dev = "xvda2"
       state = "4"
       params = "/dev/xendisks/wario-swap"
       mode = "w"
       online = "1"
       frontend-id = "1"
       type = "phy"
       physical-device = "fe:1"
       hotplug-status = "connected"
       feature-barrier = "1"
       sectors = "4194304"
       info = "0"
       sector-size = "512"
    vif = ""
     1 = ""
      0 = ""
       bridge = "eth0"
       domain = "wario"
       handle = "0"
       uuid = "73a67353-ec06-d4b5-ee54-06d370371713"
       script = "/etc/xen/scripts/matrix-vif-wrapper"
       ip = ""
       state = "4"
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vif/0"
       mac = "00:16:3e:09:12:F9"
       online = "1"
       frontend-id = "1"
       feature-sg = "1"
       feature-gso-tcpv4 = "1"
       feature-rx-copy = "1"
       feature-rx-flip = "0"
       feature-smart-poll = "1"
       hotplug-status = "connected"
      1 = ""
       bridge = "eth1"
       domain = "wario"
       handle = "1"
       uuid = "62ccc02c-e9fa-25c6-4e69-a0cf3eab0f52"
       script = "/etc/xen/scripts/matrix-vif-wrapper"
       ip = ""
       state = "4"
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vif/1"
       mac = "00:16:3E:00:00:F9"
       online = "1"
       frontend-id = "1"
       feature-sg = "1"
       feature-gso-tcpv4 = "1"
       feature-rx-copy = "1"
       feature-rx-flip = "0"
       feature-smart-poll = "1"
       hotplug-status = "connected"
    console = ""
     1 = ""
      0 = ""
       domain = "wario"
       protocol = "vt100"
       uuid = "bc7c336b-9b10-0849-c90b-10c57c8594c7"
       frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/console/0"
       state = "1"
       location = "2"
       online = "1"
       frontend-id = "1"
  1 = ""
   vm = "/vm/caef291b-8156-d42b-efb1-0f16d25a3e06"
   device = ""
    vbd = ""
     51713 = ""
      virtual-device = "51713"
      device-type = "disk"
      protocol = "x86_64-abi"
      backend-id = "0"
      state = "4"
      backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51713"
      ring-ref = "8"
      event-channel = "8"
     51714 = ""
      virtual-device = "51714"
      device-type = "disk"
      protocol = "x86_64-abi"
      backend-id = "0"
      state = "4"
      backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/1/51714"
      ring-ref = "9"
      event-channel = "9"
    vif = ""
     0 = ""
      mac = "00:16:3e:09:12:F9"
      handle = "0"
      protocol = "x86_64-abi"
      backend-id = "0"
      state = "4"
      backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/0"
      tx-ring-ref = "768"
      rx-ring-ref = "769"
      event-channel = "10"
      request-rx-copy = "1"
      feature-rx-notify = "1"
      feature-sg = "1"
      feature-gso-tcpv4 = "1"
     1 = ""
      mac = "00:16:3E:00:00:F9"
      handle = "1"
      protocol = "x86_64-abi"
      backend-id = "0"
      state = "4"
      backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vif/1/1"
      tx-ring-ref = "1280"
      rx-ring-ref = "1281"
      event-channel = "11"
      request-rx-copy = "1"
      feature-rx-notify = "1"
      feature-sg = "1"
      feature-gso-tcpv4 = "1"
    console = ""
     0 = ""
      protocol = "x86_64-abi"
      state = "1"
      backend-id = "0"
      backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/console/1/0"
   control = ""
    platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend = "1"
   error = ""
   memory = ""
    target = "2097152"
   guest = ""
   hvmpv = ""
   data = ""
   device-misc = ""
    vif = ""
     nextDeviceID = "2"
    console = ""
     nextDeviceID = "1"
   console = ""
    ring-ref = "4532915"
    port = "2"
    limit = "1048576"
    type = "xenconsoled"
    tty = "/dev/pts/1"
   image = ""
    entry = "18446744071583982080"
    loader = "generic"
    hv-start-low = "18446603336221196288"
    guest-os = "linux"
    hypercall-page = "18446744071578882048"
    guest-version = "2.6"
    pae-mode = "yes"
    paddr-offset = "0"
    virt-base = "18446744071562067968"
    suspend-cancel = "1"
    features = ""
     pae-pgdir-above-4gb = "1"
     writable-page-tables = "0"
    xen-version = "xen-3.0"
   store = ""
    ring-ref = "4532916"
    port = "1"
   description = ""
   cpu = ""
    0 = ""
     availability = "online"
   name = "wario"
   domid = "1"
   serial = ""
    0 = ""
     tty = "/dev/pts/1"

the 'matrix-XXX-wrapper' scripts mentioned are simple 2-liners that are listed
with initial posts from me in this bug report.  nothing fancy and same occurs
using standard network-bridge and vif-bridge scripts.

also noticed the following 2 items show up in the /dev/.udev/failed directory
immediately after this fault, i checked and they did not exist, nor did the
folder prior to the fault:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  16 May 27 13:05 xen-backend:vif-1-0 -> /devices/vif-1-0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  16 May 27 13:05 xen-backend:vif-1-1 -> /devices/vif-1-1

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