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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] [XEND] Add missing XendMonitor.py

# HG changeset patch
# User Alastair Tse <atse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1169641579 0
# Node ID 6c087036b3ed02b1853f4dd92480c0eb75e36685
# Parent  f7a52957b427f7bd107be57f06d311e126e9eff1
[XEND] Add missing XendMonitor.py

Signed-off-by: Alastair Tse <atse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/python/xen/xend/XendMonitor.py |  318 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 318 insertions(+)

diff -r f7a52957b427 -r 6c087036b3ed tools/python/xen/xend/XendMonitor.py
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendMonitor.py      Wed Jan 24 12:26:19 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2007 XenSource Ltd.
+from xen.lowlevel.xc import xc
+import time
+import threading
+import os
+import re
+"""Monitoring thread to keep track of Xend statistics. """
+VBD_SYSFS_PATH = '/sys/devices/xen-backend/'
+VBD_WR_PATH = VBD_SYSFS_PATH + '%s/statistics/wr_req'
+VBD_RD_PATH = VBD_SYSFS_PATH + '%s/statistics/rd_req'
+VBD_DOMAIN_RE = r'vbd-(?P<domid>\d+)-(?P<devid>\d+)$'
+NET_PROCFS_PATH = '/proc/net/dev'
+PROC_NET_DEV_RE = r'(?P<rx_bytes>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_packets>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_errs>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_drop>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_fifo>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_frame>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_compressed>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<rx_multicast>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_bytes>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_packets>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_errs>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_drop>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_fifo>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_collisions>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_carrier>\d+)\s+' \
+                  r'(?P<tx_compressed>\d+)\s*$'
+VIF_DOMAIN_RE = re.compile(r'vif(?P<domid>\d+)\.(?P<iface>\d+):\s*' +
+                           PROC_NET_DEV_RE)
+PIF_RE = re.compile(r'peth(?P<iface>\d+):\s*' + PROC_NET_DEV_RE)
+# The VBD transfer figures are in "requests" where we don't
+# really know how many bytes per requests. For now we make
+# up a number roughly could be.
+# Interval to poll xc, sysfs and proc
+class XendMonitor(threading.Thread):
+    """Monitors VCPU, VBD, VIF and PIF statistics for Xen API.
+    Polls sysfs and procfs for statistics on VBDs and VIFs respectively.
+    @ivar domain_vcpus_util: Utilisation for VCPUs indexed by domain
+    @type domain_vcpus_util: {domid: {vcpuid: float, vcpuid: float}}
+    @ivar domain_vifs_util: Bytes per second for VIFs indexed by domain
+    @type domain_vifs_util: {domid: {vifid: (rx_bps, tx_bps)}}
+    @ivar domain_vbds_util: Blocks per second for VBDs index by domain.
+    @type domain_vbds_util: {domid: {vbdid: (rd_reqps, wr_reqps)}}    
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.setDaemon(True)
+        self.xc = xc()
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+        # tracks the last polled statistics
+        self._domain_vcpus = {}
+        self._domain_vifs = {}
+        self._domain_vbds = {}
+        self.pifs = {}
+        # instantaneous statistics
+        self._domain_vcpus_util = {}
+        self._domain_vifs_util = {}
+        self._domain_vbds_util = {}
+        self.pifs_util = {}
+    def get_domain_vcpus_util(self):
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return self._domain_vcpus_util
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()
+    def get_domain_vbds_util(self):
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return self._domain_vbds_util
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()                        
+    def get_domain_vifs_util(self):
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return self._domain_vifs_util
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()
+    def get_pifs_util(self):
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return self.pifs_util
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()        
+    def _get_vif_stats(self):
+        stats = {}
+        if not os.path.exists(NET_PROCFS_PATH):
+            return stats
+        usage_at = time.time()        
+        for line in open(NET_PROCFS_PATH):
+            is_vif = re.search(VIF_DOMAIN_RE, line.strip())
+            if not is_vif:
+                continue
+            domid = int(is_vif.group('domid'))
+            vifid = int(is_vif.group('iface'))
+            rx_bytes = int(is_vif.group('rx_bytes'))
+            tx_bytes = int(is_vif.group('tx_bytes'))
+            if not domid in stats:
+                stats[domid] = {}
+            stats[domid][vifid] = (usage_at, rx_bytes, tx_bytes)
+        return stats
+    def _get_pif_stats(self):
+        stats = {}
+        if not os.path.exists(NET_PROCFS_PATH):
+            return stats
+        usage_at = time.time()        
+        for line in open(NET_PROCFS_PATH):
+            is_pif = re.search(PIF_RE, line.strip())
+            if not is_pif:
+                continue
+            pifid = int(is_pif.group('iface'))
+            rx_bytes = int(is_pif.group('rx_bytes'))
+            tx_bytes = int(is_pif.group('tx_bytes'))
+            stats[pifid] = (usage_at, rx_bytes, tx_bytes)
+        return stats    
+    def _get_vbd_stats(self):
+        stats = {}
+        if not os.path.exists(VBD_SYSFS_PATH):
+            return stats
+        for vbd_path in os.listdir(VBD_SYSFS_PATH):
+            is_vbd = re.search(VBD_DOMAIN_RE, vbd_path)
+            if not is_vbd:
+                continue
+            domid = int(is_vbd.group('domid'))
+            vbdid = int(is_vbd.group('devid'))
+            rd_stat_path = VBD_RD_PATH % vbd_path
+            wr_stat_path = VBD_WR_PATH % vbd_path
+            if not os.path.exists(rd_stat_path) or \
+                   not os.path.exists(wr_stat_path):
+                continue
+            try:
+                usage_at = time.time()
+                rd_stat = int(open(rd_stat_path).readline().strip())
+                wr_stat = int(open(wr_stat_path).readline().strip())
+                rd_stat *= VBD_ROUGH_BYTES_PER_REQUEST
+                wr_stat *= VBD_ROUGH_BYTES_PER_REQUEST
+                if domid not in stats:
+                    stats[domid] = {}
+                stats[domid][vbdid] = (usage_at, rd_stat, wr_stat)
+            except (IOError, ValueError):
+                continue
+        return stats
+    def _get_cpu_stats(self):
+        stats = {}
+        for domain in self.xc.domain_getinfo():
+            domid = domain['domid']
+            vcpu_count = domain['online_vcpus']
+            stats[domid] = {}
+            for i in range(vcpu_count):
+                vcpu_info = self.xc.vcpu_getinfo(domid, i)
+                usage = vcpu_info['cpu_time']
+                usage_at = time.time()
+                stats[domid][i] = (usage_at, usage)
+        return stats
+    def run(self):
+        # loop every second for stats
+        while True:
+            self.lock.acquire()
+            try:
+                # Calculate utilisation for VCPUs
+                for domid, cputimes in self._get_cpu_stats().items():
+                    if domid not in self._domain_vcpus:
+                        # if not initialised, save current stats
+                        # and skip utilisation calculation
+                        self._domain_vcpus[domid] = cputimes
+                        self._domain_vcpus_util[domid] = {}
+                        continue
+                    for vcpu, (usage_at, usage) in cputimes.items():
+                        if vcpu not in self._domain_vcpus[domid]:
+                            continue
+                        prv_usage_at, prv_usage = \
+                                   self._domain_vcpus[domid][vcpu]
+                        interval_s = (usage_at - prv_usage_at) * 1000000000
+                        if interval_s > 0:
+                            util = (usage - prv_usage) / interval_s
+                            self._domain_vcpus_util[domid][vcpu] = util
+                    self._domain_vcpus[domid] = cputimes
+                # Calculate utilisation for VBDs
+                for domid, vbds in self._get_vbd_stats().items():
+                    if domid not in self._domain_vbds:
+                        self._domain_vbds[domid] = vbds
+                        self._domain_vbds_util[domid] = {}
+                        continue
+                    for devid, (usage_at, rd, wr) in vbds.items():
+                        if devid not in self._domain_vbds[domid]:
+                            continue
+                        prv_at, prv_rd, prv_wr  = \
+                                self._domain_vbds[domid][devid]
+                        interval = usage_at - prv_at
+                        rd_util = (rd - prv_rd)/interval
+                        wr_util = (wr - prv_wr)/interval
+                        self._domain_vbds_util[domid][devid] = \
+                                 (rd_util, wr_util)
+                    self._domain_vbds[domid] = vbds
+                # Calculate utilisation for VIFs
+                for domid, vifs in self._get_vif_stats().items():
+                    if domid not in self._domain_vifs:
+                        self._domain_vifs[domid] = vifs
+                        self._domain_vifs_util[domid] = {}
+                        continue
+                    for devid, (usage_at, rx, tx) in vifs.items():
+                        if devid not in self._domain_vifs[domid]:
+                            continue
+                        prv_at, prv_rx, prv_tx  = \
+                                self._domain_vifs[domid][devid]
+                        interval = usage_at - prv_at
+                        rx_util = (rx - prv_rx)/interval
+                        tx_util = (tx - prv_tx)/interval
+                        # note these are flipped around because
+                        # we are measuring the host interface,
+                        # not the guest interface
+                        self._domain_vifs_util[domid][devid] = \
+                             (tx_util, rx_util)
+                    self._domain_vifs[domid] = vifs
+                # Calculate utilisation for PIFs
+                for pifid, stats in self._get_pif_stats().items():
+                    if pifid not in self.pifs:
+                        self.pifs[pifid] = stats
+                        continue
+                    usage_at, rx, tx = stats
+                    prv_at, prv_rx, prv_tx  = self.pifs[pifid]
+                    interval = usage_at - prv_at
+                    rx_util = (rx - prv_rx)/interval
+                    tx_util = (tx - prv_tx)/interval
+                    self.pifs_util[pifid] = (rx_util, tx_util)
+                    self.pifs[pifid] = stats
+            finally:
+                self.lock.release()
+            # Sleep a while before next poll
+            time.sleep(POLL_INTERVAL)

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