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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] [XENAPI] Update test scripts to move from VBD.image to creating VDI's

# HG changeset patch
# User Alastair Tse <atse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1169653738 0
# Node ID 072ce22bcc91e4b48c5ceccccec41f26a73cdd82
# Parent  665be23d7fe9d7ab1380df4630e0c85169786ba5
[XENAPI] Update test scripts to move from VBD.image to creating VDI's
with the uri attribute.

Signed-off-by: Alastair Tse <atse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/python/scripts/test_vm_create.py |   57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 tools/python/scripts/xapi.py           |   25 +++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff -r 665be23d7fe9 -r 072ce22bcc91 tools/python/scripts/test_vm_create.py
--- a/tools/python/scripts/test_vm_create.py    Wed Jan 24 15:47:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/tools/python/scripts/test_vm_create.py    Wed Jan 24 15:48:58 2007 +0000
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ vdi_cfg = {
     'virtual_size': 100 * 1024,
     'sector_size': 1024,
     'type': 'system',
-    'parent': '',    
+    'parent': '',
+    'SR_name': 'QCoW',
     'sharable': False,
     'read_only': False,
@@ -61,6 +62,19 @@ vbd_cfg = {
     'driver': 'paravirtualised',
+local_vdi_cfg = {
+    'name_label': 'gentoo.amd64.img',
+    'name_description': '',
+    'uri': 'file:/root/gentoo.amd64.img',
+    'virtual_size': 0,
+    'sector_size': 0,
+    'type': 'system',
+    'parent': '',
+    'SR_name': 'Local',
+    'sharable': False,
+    'read_only': False,
 local_vbd_cfg = {
     'VDI': '',
     'VM': '',
@@ -68,7 +82,6 @@ local_vbd_cfg = {
     'mode': 'RW',
     'type': 'disk',
     'driver': 'paravirtualised',
-    'image': 'file:/root/gentoo.amd64.img'
 vif_cfg = {
@@ -90,6 +103,7 @@ def test_vm_create():
     server, session = connect()
     vm_uuid = None
     vdi_uuid = None
+    local_vdi_uuid = None
     local_vbd_uuid = None
     vbd_uuid = None
     vif_uuid = None
@@ -102,8 +116,13 @@ def test_vm_create():
     # Get default SR
-    sr_list = execute(server, 'SR.get_by_name_label', (session, 'Local'))
+    sr_list = execute(server, 'SR.get_by_name_label', (session,
+                                                       vdi_cfg['SR_name']))
     sr_uuid = sr_list[0]
+    local_sr_list = execute(server, 'SR.get_by_name_label',
+                            (session, local_vdi_cfg['SR_name']))
+    local_sr_uuid = local_sr_list[0]
     # Get default network
     net_list = execute(server, 'network.get_all', (session,))
@@ -121,13 +140,18 @@ def test_vm_create():
         vbd_cfg['VM'] = vm_uuid
         vbd_cfg['VDI'] = vdi_uuid
         vbd_uuid = execute(server, 'VBD.create', (session, vbd_cfg))
+        # Create a new VDI (Local)
+        local_vdi_cfg['SR'] = local_sr_uuid
+        local_vdi_uuid = execute(server, 'VDI.create',
+                                 (session, local_vdi_cfg))
         # Create a new VBD (Local)
         local_vbd_cfg['VM'] = vm_uuid
-        local_vbd_cfg['VDI'] = ''
+        local_vbd_cfg['VDI'] = local_vdi_uuid
         local_vbd_uuid = execute(server, 'VBD.create',
                                  (session, local_vbd_cfg))
         # Create a new VIF
         vif_cfg['network'] = net_uuid
         vif_cfg['VM'] = vm_uuid
@@ -138,13 +162,15 @@ def test_vm_create():
-        print 'Suspending VM..'
-        execute(server, 'VM.suspend', (session, vm_uuid))
-        print 'Suspended VM.'
-        time.sleep(5)
-        print 'Resuming VM ...'
-        execute(server, 'VM.resume', (session, vm_uuid, False))
-        print 'Resumed VM.'
+        test_suspend = True
+        if test_suspend:
+            print 'Suspending VM..'
+            execute(server, 'VM.suspend', (session, vm_uuid))
+            print 'Suspended VM.'
+            time.sleep(5)
+            print 'Resuming VM ...'
+            execute(server, 'VM.resume', (session, vm_uuid, False))
+            print 'Resumed VM.'
         # Wait for user to say we're good to shut it down
         while True:
@@ -156,12 +182,17 @@ def test_vm_create():
         # Clean up
         if vif_uuid:
             execute(server, 'VIF.destroy', (session, vif_uuid))
         if local_vbd_uuid:
             execute(server, 'VBD.destroy', (session, local_vbd_uuid))
+        if local_vdi_uuid:
+            execute(server, 'VDI.destroy', (session, local_vdi_uuid))
         if vbd_uuid:
             execute(server, 'VBD.destroy', (session, vbd_uuid))
         if vdi_uuid:
             execute(server, 'VDI.destroy', (session, vdi_uuid))
         if vm_uuid:
                 execute(server, 'VM.hard_shutdown', (session, vm_uuid))
diff -r 665be23d7fe9 -r 072ce22bcc91 tools/python/scripts/xapi.py
--- a/tools/python/scripts/xapi.py      Wed Jan 24 15:47:31 2007 +0000
+++ b/tools/python/scripts/xapi.py      Wed Jan 24 15:48:58 2007 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ SR_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name_label)-18s %(uu
 VDI_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name_label)-18s %(uuid)-36s %(virtual_size)-8s '\
-VBD_LIST_FORMAT = '%(device)-6s %(uuid)-36s %(VDI)-8s %(image)-8s'
+VBD_LIST_FORMAT = '%(device)-6s %(uuid)-36s %(VDI)-8s'
 TASK_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name_label)-18s %(uuid)-36s %(status)-8s %(progress)-4s'
 VIF_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name)-8s %(device)-7s %(uuid)-36s %(MAC)-10s'
@@ -85,25 +85,28 @@ OPTIONS = {
                                          'action': 'store_true'})],
     'vdi-create': [(('--name-label',), {'help': 'Name for VDI'}),
-                   (('--description',), {'help': 'Description for VDI'}),
+                   (('--name-description',), {'help': 'Description for VDI'}),
                    (('--sector-size',), {'type': 'int',
-                                         'help': 'Sector size'}),
+                                         'help': 'Sector size',
+                                         'default': 0}),
                    (('--virtual-size',), {'type': 'int',
+                                          'default': 0,
                                           'help': 'Size of VDI in sectors'}),
                    (('--type',), {'choices': ['system', 'user', 'ephemeral'],
+                                  'default': 'system',
                                   'help': 'VDI type'}),
                    (('--sharable',), {'action': 'store_true',
                                       'help': 'VDI sharable'}),
                    (('--read-only',), {'action': 'store_true',
-                                       'help': 'Read only'})],
+                                       'help': 'Read only'}),
+                   (('--sr',), {})],
     'vbd-create': [(('--VDI',), {'help': 'UUID of VDI to attach to.'}),
                    (('--mode',), {'choices': ['RO', 'RW'],
                                   'help': 'device mount mode'}),
                    (('--driver',), {'choices':['paravirtualised', 'ioemu'],
                                     'help': 'Driver for VBD'}),
-                   (('--device',), {'help': 'Device name on guest domain'}),
-                   (('--image',), {'help': 'Location of drive image.'})]
+                   (('--device',), {'help': 'Device name on guest domain'})]
@@ -464,8 +467,7 @@ def xapi_vbd_list(args, async = False):
     print VBD_LIST_FORMAT % {'device': 'Device',
                              'uuid' : 'UUID',
-                             'VDI': 'VDI',
-                             'image': 'Image'}
+                             'VDI': 'VDI'}
     for vbd in vbds:
         vbd_struct = execute(server, 'VBD.get_record', (session, vbd))
@@ -547,7 +549,12 @@ def xapi_vdi_create(args, async = False)
         cfg[opt] = val
     server, session = connect()
-    srs = execute(server, 'SR.get_all', (session,))
+    srs = []
+    if cfg.get('SR'):    
+        srs = execute(server, 'SR.get_by_name_label', (session, cfg['SR']))
+    else:
+        srs = execute(server, 'SR.get_all', (session,))
     sr = srs[0]
     cfg['SR'] = sr

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