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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] xentrace 6/7: Updated formats file.

# HG changeset patch
# User Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1220886053 -3600
# Node ID b8734df52a903d5396117eb7099ff1ea38ac8046
# Parent  74621a2add541e2f6363f1627091bb5d5d5307f0
xentrace 6/7: Updated formats file.

Signed-off-by: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Trolle Selander <trolle.selander@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/xentrace/formats |  149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff -r 74621a2add54 -r b8734df52a90 tools/xentrace/formats
--- a/tools/xentrace/formats    Mon Sep 08 15:58:04 2008 +0100
+++ b/tools/xentrace/formats    Mon Sep 08 16:00:53 2008 +0100
@@ -4,56 +4,69 @@ 0x0001f002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(relt
 0x0001f002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  wrap_buffer       0x%(1)08x
 0x0001f003  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  cpu_change        0x%(1)08x
-0x0002f001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_add_domain  [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0002f002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_rem_domain  [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0002f003  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  domain_sleep      [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0002f004  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  domain_wake       [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0002f005  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  do_yield          [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0002f006  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  do_block          [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x0002f007  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  domain_shutdown          [ 
domid = 0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x, reason = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x0002f008  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_ctl
-0x0002f009  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_adjdom      [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0002f00a  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  __enter_scheduler [ 
prev<domid:edomid> = 0x%(1)08x : 0x%(2)08x, next<domid:edomid> = 0x%(3)08x : 
0x%(4)08x ]
-0x0002f00B  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  s_timer_fn
-0x0002f00c  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  t_timer_fn
-0x0002f00d  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  dom_timer_fn
-0x0002f00e  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  switch_infprev    [ old_domid 
= 0x%(1)08x, runtime = %(2)d ]
-0x0002f00f  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  switch_infnext    [ new_domid 
= 0x%(1)08x, time = %(2)d, r_time = %(3)d ]
+0x00021011  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  running_to_runnable [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021021  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  running_to_blocked  [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021031  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  running_to_offline  [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021101  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  runnable_to_running [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021121  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  runnable_to_blocked [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021131  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  runnable_to_offline [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021201  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  blocked_to_running  [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021211  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  blocked_to_runnable [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021231  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  blocked_to_offline  [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021301  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  offline_to_running  [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021311  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  offline_to_runnable [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00021321  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  offline_to_blocked  [ dom:vcpu 
= 0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00081001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMENTRY     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00081002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMEXIT      [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, exitcode = 0x%(2)08x, rIP  = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00081102  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMEXIT      [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, exitcode = 0x%(2)08x, rIP  = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x00082001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_XEN      [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, errorcode = 0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00082101  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_XEN      [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, errorcode = 0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x00082002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_INJECT   [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, errorcode = 0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00082102  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_INJECT   [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x,  errorcode = 0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x00082003  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INJ_EXC     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, vector = 0x%(2)02x, errorcode = 0x%(3)04x ]
-0x00082004  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INJ_VIRQ    [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, vector = 0x%(2)02x, fake = %(3)d ]
-0x00082005  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  REINJ_VIRQ  [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, vector = 0x%(2)02x ]
-0x00082006  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  IO_READ     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, port = 0x%(2)04x, size = %(3)d ]
-0x00082007  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  IO_WRITE    [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, port = 0x%(2)04x, size = %(3)d ]
-0x00082008  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_READ     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, CR# = %(2)d, value = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00082108  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_READ     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, CR# = %(2)d, value = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x00082009  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_WRITE    [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, CR# = %(2)d, value = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00082109  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_WRITE    [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, CR# = %(2)d, value = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x0008200A  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  DR_READ     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0008200B  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  DR_WRITE    [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x0008200C  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MSR_READ    [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, MSR# = 0x%(2)08x, value = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x0008200D  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MSR_WRITE   [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, MSR# = 0x%(2)08x, value = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x0008200E  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CPUID       [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, func = 0x%(2)08x, eax = 0x%(3)08x, ebx = 0x%(4)08x, ecx=0x%(5)08x, 
edx = 0x%(6)08x ]
-0x0008200F  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INTR        [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, vector = 0x%(2)02x ]
-0x00082010  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  NMI         [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082011  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  SMI         [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082012  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMMCALL     [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, func = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082013  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  HLT         [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, intpending = %(2)d ]
-0x00082014  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INVLPG      [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, is invlpga? = %(2)d, virt = 0x%(3)08x ]
-0x00082114  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INVLPG      [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, is invlpga? = %(2)d, virt = 0x%(3)016x ]
-0x00082015  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MCE         [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082016  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  IO_ASSIST   [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, data = 0x%(2)04x ]
-0x00082017  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MMIO_ASSIST [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, data = 0x%(2)04x ]
-0x00082018  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CLTS        [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x ]
-0x00082019  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  LMSW        [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, value = 0x%(2)08x ]
-0x00082119  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  LMSW        [ dom:vcpu = 
0x%(1)08x, value = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x00028001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_add_domain  [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00028002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_rem_domain  [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00028003  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  domain_sleep      [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00028004  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  domain_wake       [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00028005  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  do_yield          [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00028006  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  do_block          [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00028007  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  domain_shutdown          [ 
domid = 0x%(1)08x, edomid = 0x%(2)08x, reason = 0x%(3)08x ]
+0x00028008  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_ctl
+0x00028009  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  sched_adjdom      [ domid = 
0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0002800a  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  __enter_scheduler [ 
prev<domid:edomid> = 0x%(1)08x : 0x%(2)08x, next<domid:edomid> = 0x%(3)08x : 
0x%(4)08x ]
+0x0002800b  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  s_timer_fn
+0x0002800c  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  t_timer_fn
+0x0002800d  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  dom_timer_fn
+0x0002800e  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  switch_infprev    [ old_domid 
= 0x%(1)08x, runtime = %(2)d ]
+0x0002800f  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  switch_infnext    [ new_domid 
= 0x%(1)08x, time = %(2)d, r_time = %(3)d ]
+0x00081001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMENTRY
+0x00081002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMEXIT      [ exitcode = 
0x%(1)08x, rIP  = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00081102  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMEXIT      [ exitcode = 
0x%(1)08x, rIP  = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x00082001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_XEN      [ errorcode = 
0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00082101  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_XEN      [ errorcode = 
0x%(2)02x, virt = 0x%(1)016x ]
+0x00082002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_INJECT   [ errorcode = 
0x%(1)02x, virt = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00082102  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  PF_INJECT   [ errorcode = 
0x%(1)02x, virt = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x00082003  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INJ_EXC     [ vector = 
0x%(1)02x, errorcode = 0x%(2)04x ]
+0x00082004  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INJ_VIRQ    [ vector = 
0x%(1)02x, fake = %(2)d ]
+0x00082005  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  REINJ_VIRQ  [ vector = 
0x%(1)02x ]
+0x00082006  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  IO_READ     [ port = 
0x%(1)04x, size = %(2)d ]
+0x00082007  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  IO_WRITE    [ port = 
0x%(1)04x, size = %(2)d ]
+0x00082008  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_READ     [ CR# = %(1)d, 
value = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00082108  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_READ     [ CR# = %(1)d, 
value = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x00082009  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_WRITE    [ CR# = %(1)d, 
value = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00082109  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CR_WRITE    [ CR# = %(1)d, 
value = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x0008200A  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  DR_READ    
+0x0008200B  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  DR_WRITE
+0x0008200C  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MSR_READ    [ MSR# = 
0x%(1)08x, value = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x0008200D  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MSR_WRITE   [ MSR# = 
0x%(1)08x, value = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x0008200E  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CPUID       [ func = 
0x%(1)08x, eax = 0x%(2)08x, ebx = 0x%(3)08x, ecx=0x%(4)08x, edx = 0x%(5)08x ]
+0x0008200F  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INTR        [ vector = 
0x%(1)02x ]
+0x00082010  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  NMI
+0x00082011  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  SMI
+0x00082012  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMMCALL     [ func = 0x%(1)08x 
+0x00082013  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  HLT         [ intpending = 
%(1)d ]
+0x00082014  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INVLPG      [ is invlpga? = 
%(1)d, virt = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x00082114  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INVLPG      [ is invlpga? = 
%(1)d, virt = 0x%(2)016x ]
+0x00082015  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MCE
+0x00082016  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  IO_ASSIST   [ data = 0x%(1)04x 
+0x00082017  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  MMIO_ASSIST [ data = 0x%(1)04x 
+0x00082018  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  CLTS
+0x00082019  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  LMSW        [ value = 
0x%(1)08x ]
+0x00082119  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  LMSW        [ value = 
0x%(1)016x ]
 0x0010f001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  page_grant_map      [ domid = 
%(1)d ]
 0x0010f002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  page_grant_unmap    [ domid = 
%(1)d ]
@@ -65,3 +78,41 @@ 0x0020f103  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(relt
 0x0020f103  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  trap       [ rip = 0x%(1)016x, 
trapnr:error = 0x%(2)08x ]
 0x0020f004  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  page_fault [ eip = 0x%(1)08x, 
addr = 0x%(2)08x, error = 0x%(3)08x ]
 0x0020f104  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  page_fault [ rip = 0x%(1)16x, 
addr = 0x%(3)16x, error = 0x%(5)08x ]
+0x0020f006  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  emulate_privop      [ eip = 
0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0020f106  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  emulate_privop      [ rip = 
0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0020f007  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  emulate_4G          [ eip = 
0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0020f107  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  emulate_4G          [ rip = 
0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0020f00c  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  ptwr_emulation_pae  [ addr = 
0x%(2)08x, eip = 0x%(1)08x, npte = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0020f10c  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  ptwr_emulation_pae  [ addr = 
0x%(2)16x, rip = 0x%(1)16x, npte = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f001  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_not_shadow              
   [ gl1e = 0x%(1)16x, va = 0x%(2)08x, flags = 0x%(3)08x ]
+0x0040f101  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_not_shadow              
   [ gl1e = 0x%(1)16x, va = 0x%(2)16x, flags = 0x%(3)08x ]
+0x0040f002  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_fast_propagate          
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f102  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_fast_propagate          
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f003  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_fast_mmio               
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f103  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_fast_mmio               
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f004  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_false_fast_path         
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f104  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_false_fast_path         
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f005  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_mmio                    
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f105  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_mmio                    
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f006  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_fixup                   
   [ gl1e = 0x%(1)08x, va = 0x%(2)08x, flags = 0x%(3)08x ]
+0x0040f106  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_fixup                   
   [ gl1e = 0x%(1)16x, va = 0x%(2)16x, flags = 0x%(3)08x ]
+0x0040f007  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_domf_dying              
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f107  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_domf_dying              
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f008  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate                 
   [ gl1e = 0x%(1)08x, write_val = 0x%(2)08x, va = 0x%(3)08x, flags = 
0x%(4)08x, emulation_count = 0x%(5)08x]
+0x0040f108  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate                 
   [ gl1e = 0x%(1)16x, write_val = 0x%(2)16x, va = 0x%(3)16x, flags = 
0x%(4)08x, emulation_count = 0x%(5)08x]
+0x0040f009  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_unshadow_user   
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x0040f109  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_unshadow_user   
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x, gfn = 0x%(2)16x ]
+0x0040f00a  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_unshadow_evtinj 
   [ va = 0x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x0040f10a  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_unshadow_evtinj 
   [ va = 0x%(1)16x, gfn = 0x%(2)16x ]
+0x0040f00b  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  
shadow_emulate_unshadow_unhandled [ va = 0x%(1)08x, gfn = 0x%(2)08x ]
+0x0040f10b  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  
shadow_emulate_unshadow_unhandled [ va = 0x%(1)16x, gfn = 0x%(2)16x ]
+0x0040f00c  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_wrmap_bf        
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f10c  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_wrmap_bf        
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f00d  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_prealloc_unpin  
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f10d  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_prealloc_unpin  
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f00e  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_resync_full     
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f10e  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_resync_full     
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)16x ]
+0x0040f00f  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_resync_only     
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)08x ]
+0x0040f10f  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  shadow_emulate_resync_only     
   [ gfn = 0x%(1)16x ]

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