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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] libxl: Introduce libxl__ev_devstate

# HG changeset patch
# User Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1327683685 0
# Node ID 0fc9948457962514ab9a9a4bb9ed0bf3695dee1b
# Parent  ccc3656225ef5062ee3efbf21be31e69feffc632
libxl: Introduce libxl__ev_devstate

Provide a new-style asynchronous facility for waiting for device
states on xenbus.  This will replace libxl__wait_for_device_state,
after the callers have been updated in later patches.

Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Committed-by: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r ccc3656225ef -r 0fc994845796 tools/libxl/libxl_event.c
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_event.c Fri Jan 27 17:01:24 2012 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_event.c Fri Jan 27 17:01:25 2012 +0000
@@ -507,6 +507,81 @@
+ * waiting for device state
+ */
+static void devstate_watch_callback(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_xswatch *watch,
+                                const char *watch_path, const char *event_path)
+    EGC_GC;
+    libxl__ev_devstate *ds = CONTAINER_OF(watch, *ds, watch);
+    int rc;
+    char *sstate = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL, watch_path);
+    if (!sstate) {
+        if (errno == ENOENT) {
+            LIBXL__LOG(CTX, LIBXL__LOG_DEBUG, "backend %s wanted state %d"
+                       " but it was removed", watch_path, ds->wanted);
+            rc = ERROR_INVAL;
+        } else {
+            LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(CTX, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "backend %s wanted state"
+                             " %d but read failed", watch_path, ds->wanted);
+            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        }
+    } else {
+        int got = atoi(sstate);
+        if (got == ds->wanted) {
+            LIBXL__LOG(CTX, LIBXL__LOG_DEBUG, "backend %s wanted state %d ok",
+                       watch_path, ds->wanted);
+            rc = 0;
+        } else {
+            LIBXL__LOG(CTX, LIBXL__LOG_DEBUG, "backend %s wanted state %d"
+                       " still waiting state %d", watch_path, ds->wanted, got);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    libxl__ev_devstate_cancel(gc, ds);
+    ds->callback(egc, ds, rc);
+static void devstate_timeout(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_time *ev,
+                             const struct timeval *requested_abs)
+    EGC_GC;
+    libxl__ev_devstate *ds = CONTAINER_OF(ev, *ds, timeout);
+    LIBXL__LOG(CTX, LIBXL__LOG_DEBUG, "backend %s wanted state %d "
+               " timed out", ds->watch.path, ds->wanted);
+    libxl__ev_devstate_cancel(gc, ds);
+    ds->callback(egc, ds, ERROR_TIMEDOUT);
+int libxl__ev_devstate_wait(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_devstate *ds,
+                            libxl__ev_devstate_callback cb,
+                            const char *state_path, int state, int 
+    int rc;
+    libxl__ev_time_init(&ds->timeout);
+    libxl__ev_xswatch_init(&ds->watch);
+    ds->wanted = state;
+    ds->callback = cb;
+    rc = libxl__ev_time_register_rel(gc, &ds->timeout, devstate_timeout,
+                                     milliseconds);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    rc = libxl__ev_xswatch_register(gc, &ds->watch, devstate_watch_callback,
+                                    state_path);
+    if (rc) goto out;
+    return 0;
+ out:
+    libxl__ev_devstate_cancel(gc, ds);
+    return rc;
  * osevent poll
diff -r ccc3656225ef -r 0fc994845796 tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h      Fri Jan 27 17:01:24 2012 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h      Fri Jan 27 17:01:25 2012 +0000
@@ -686,6 +686,47 @@
                                          libxl__device_state_handler handler);
+ * libxl__ev_devstate - waits a given time for a device to
+ * reach a given state.  Follows the libxl_ev_* conventions.
+ * Will generate only one event, and after that is automatically
+ * cancelled.
+ */
+typedef struct libxl__ev_devstate libxl__ev_devstate;
+typedef void libxl__ev_devstate_callback(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_devstate*,
+                                         int rc);
+  /* rc will be 0, ERROR_TIMEDOUT, ERROR_INVAL (meaning path was removed),
+   * or ERROR_FAIL if other stuff went wrong (in which latter case, logged) */
+struct libxl__ev_devstate {
+    /* read-only for caller, who may read only when waiting: */
+    int wanted;
+    libxl__ev_devstate_callback *callback;
+    /* as for the remainder, read-only public parts may also be
+     * read by the caller (notably, watch.path), but only when waiting: */
+    libxl__ev_xswatch watch;
+    libxl__ev_time timeout;
+static inline void libxl__ev_devstate_init(libxl__ev_devstate *ds)
+    libxl__ev_time_init(&ds->timeout);
+    libxl__ev_xswatch_init(&ds->watch);
+static inline void libxl__ev_devstate_cancel(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                             libxl__ev_devstate *ds)
+    libxl__ev_time_deregister(gc,&ds->timeout);
+    libxl__ev_xswatch_deregister(gc,&ds->watch);
+_hidden int libxl__ev_devstate_wait(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_devstate *ds,
+                                    libxl__ev_devstate_callback cb,
+                                    const char *state_path,
+                                    int state, int milliseconds);
  * libxl__try_phy_backend - Check if there's support for the passed
  * type of file using the PHY backend
  * st_mode: mode_t of the file, as returned by stat function

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