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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] libxl: remove comment support from IDL

# HG changeset patch
# User Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1328020797 0
# Node ID 996c95a3e7e01f85186e5ac02e3070bc442ff580
# Parent  58a608e1a100d243352459a6a1ce95236ef832ce
libxl: remove comment support from IDL

People typically don't look for comments in generated source and the syntax for
specifying them in the IDL makes things harder to follow.

Instead just use source code comments in the IDL itself.

I dropped a bunch of "foo bool # enable or disable foo" type comments. A lot of
the remainder still aren't terribly useful though.

No change to the generate code other than the comments being removed.

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Committed-by: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 58a608e1a100 -r 996c95a3e7e0 tools/libxl/gentypes.py
--- a/tools/libxl/gentypes.py   Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/gentypes.py   Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
@@ -5,19 +5,6 @@
 import libxltypes
-def format_comment(level, comment):
-    indent = reduce(lambda x,y: x + " ", range(level), "")
-    s  = "%s/*\n" % indent
-    s += "%s * " % indent
-    comment = comment.replace("\n", "\n%s * " % indent)
-    x = re.compile(r'^%s \* $' % indent, re.MULTILINE)
-    comment = x.sub("%s *" % indent, comment)
-    s += comment
-    s += "\n"
-    s += "%s */" % indent
-    s += "\n"
-    return s
 def libxl_C_instance_of(ty, instancename):
     if isinstance(ty, libxltypes.Aggregate) and ty.typename is None:
         if instancename is None:
@@ -30,17 +17,12 @@
 def libxl_C_type_define(ty, indent = ""):
     s = ""
     if isinstance(ty, libxltypes.Enumeration):
-        if ty.comment is not None:
-            s += format_comment(0, ty.comment)
         if ty.typename is None:
             s += "enum {\n"
             s += "typedef enum %s {\n" % ty.typename
         for v in ty.values:
-            if v.comment is not None:
-                s += format_comment(4, v.comment)
             x = "%s = %d" % (v.name, v.value)
             x = x.replace("\n", "\n    ")
             s += "    " + x + ",\n"
@@ -50,17 +32,12 @@
             s += "} %s" % ty.typename
     elif isinstance(ty, libxltypes.Aggregate):
-        if ty.comment is not None:
-            s += format_comment(0, ty.comment)
         if ty.typename is None:
             s += "%s {\n" % ty.kind
             s += "typedef %s %s {\n" % (ty.kind, ty.typename)
         for f in ty.fields:
-            if f.comment is not None:
-                s += format_comment(4, f.comment)
             x = libxl_C_instance_of(f.type, f.name)
             if f.const:
                 x = "const " + x
diff -r 58a608e1a100 -r 996c95a3e7e0 tools/libxl/idl.txt
--- a/tools/libxl/idl.txt       Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/idl.txt       Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@
 apply to all types. The properties are set by passing a named
 parameter to the constructor.
-  A free text comment which describes the type.
 Type.namespace: (default: "libxl_")
  The namespace in which the type resides. Usually this is "libxl_" but
@@ -98,7 +94,6 @@
                                    name of the containing Enumeration
                                    and any namespace (e.g. "VALUE")
     EnumerationValue.value     The integer value associated with this name.
-    EnumerationValue.comment   A free text comment which describes the member.
@@ -115,7 +110,6 @@
   Field.name    The name of the member (can be None for anonymous
   Field.const  Boolean, true if the member is const.
-  Field.comment        A free text comment which describes the member.
diff -r 58a608e1a100 -r 996c95a3e7e0 tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl       Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl       Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 libxl_device_model_version = Enumeration("device_model_version", [
-    (1, "QEMU_XEN_TRADITIONAL", "Historical qemu-xen device model (qemu-dm)"),
-    (2, "QEMU_XEN", "Upstream based qemu-xen device model"),
+    (1, "QEMU_XEN_TRADITIONAL"), # Historical qemu-xen device model (qemu-dm)
+    (2, "QEMU_XEN"),             # Upstream based qemu-xen device model
 libxl_console_type = Enumeration("console_type", [
@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@
 libxl_dominfo = Struct("dominfo",[
     ("uuid",        libxl_uuid),
     ("domid",       libxl_domid),
-    ("ssidref",      uint32),
+    ("ssidref",     uint32),
     ("running",     bool),
     ("blocked",     bool),
     ("paused",      bool),
     ("shutdown",    bool),
     ("dying",       bool),
-    ("shutdown_reason", uint8, False,
-"""Valid SHUTDOWN_* value from xen/sched.h iff (shutdown||dying).
-Otherwise set to a value guaranteed not to clash with any valid
-SHUTDOWN_* constant."""),
+    # Valid SHUTDOWN_* value from xen/sched.h iff (shutdown||dying).
+    #
+    # Otherwise set to a value guaranteed not to clash with any valid
+    # SHUTDOWN_* constant.
+    ("shutdown_reason", uint8),
     ("current_memkb",   uint64),
     ("shared_memkb", uint64),
     ("max_memkb",   uint64),
@@ -153,6 +153,11 @@
     ("poolid",       uint32),
+# Instances of libxl_file_reference contained in this struct which
+# have been mapped (with libxl_file_reference_map) will be unmapped
+# by libxl_domain_build/restore. If either of these are never called
+# then the user is responsible for calling
+# libxl_file_reference_unmap.
 libxl_domain_build_info = Struct("domain_build_info",[
     ("max_vcpus",       integer),
     ("cur_vcpus",       integer),
@@ -188,84 +193,87 @@
                                       ("cmdline", string),
                                       ("ramdisk", libxl_file_reference),
                                       ("features", string, True),
-                                      ("e820_host", bool, False, "Use host's 
E820 for PCI passthrough."),
+                                      # Use host's E820 for PCI passthrough.
+                                      ("e820_host", bool),
-    comment =
-"""Instances of libxl_file_reference contained in this struct which
-have been mapped (with libxl_file_reference_map) will be unmapped
-by libxl_domain_build/restore. If either of these are never called
-then the user is responsible for calling
+# Device Model Information
 libxl_device_model_info = Struct("device_model_info",[
     ("domid",            libxl_domid),
-    ("uuid",             libxl_uuid,  False, "this is use only with stubdom, 
and must be different from the domain uuid"),
+    # uuid is used only with stubdom, and must be different from the
+    # domain uuid
+    ("uuid",             libxl_uuid),
     ("dom_name",         string),
     ("device_model_version", libxl_device_model_version),
     ("device_model_stubdomain", bool),
-    ("device_model",     string, False, "if you set this you must set 
device_model_version too"),
+    # you set device_model you must set device_model_version too
+    ("device_model",     string),
     ("saved_state",      string),
     ("type",             libxl_domain_type),
     ("target_ram",       uint32),
-    ("videoram",         integer,           False, "size of the videoram in 
-    ("stdvga",           bool,              False, "stdvga enabled or 
-    ("vnc",              bool,              False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vnclisten",        string,            False, "address:port that should 
be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
-    ("vncpasswd",        string,            False, "the VNC password"),
-    ("vncdisplay",       integer,           False, "set VNC display number"),
-    ("vncunused",        bool,              False, "try to find an unused port 
for the VNC server"),
-    ("keymap",           string,            False, "set keyboard layout, 
default is en-us keyboard"),
-    ("sdl",              bool,              False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
-    ("opengl",           bool,              False, "opengl enabled or disabled 
(if enabled requires sdl enabled)"),
-    ("spice",            bool,              False,
-    "spice enabled or disabled"),
-    ("spiceport",        integer,           False,
-    "the port that should be listened on for the spice server"),
-    ("spicetls_port",    integer,           False, """the tls port
-that should be listened on for the spice server,
-at least one of the port or tls port must be given"""),
-    ("spicehost",        string,            False, """the interface
-that should be listened on if given otherwise any interface"""),
-    ("spicedisable_ticketing", bool,        False,
-    "enable client connection with no password"),
-    ("spicepasswd",      string,            False, """set ticket password
-witch must be used by a client for connection.
-The password never expires"""),
-    ("spiceagent_mouse", bool,              False,
-    "Whether spice agent is used for client mouse mode(default is on)"),
-    ("nographic",        bool,              False, "no graphics, use serial 
-    ("gfx_passthru",     bool,              False, "graphics passthrough 
enabled or disabled"),
-    ("serial",           string,            False, "serial port re-direct to 
pty deivce"),
-    ("boot",             string,            False, "boot order, for example 
-    ("usb",              bool,              False, "usb support enabled or 
-    ("usbdevice",        string,            False, "enable usb mouse: tablet 
for absolute mouse, mouse for PS/2 protocol relative mouse"),
-    ("soundhw",          string,            False, "enable sound hardware"),
-    ("acpi",             bool,              False, "acpi enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vcpus",            integer,           False, "max number of vcpus"),
-    ("vcpu_avail",       integer,           False, "vcpus actually available"),
-    ("xen_platform_pci", bool,              False, "enable/disable the xen 
platform pci device"),
-    ("extra",            libxl_string_list, False, "extra parameters pass 
directly to qemu, NULL terminated"),
-    ("extra_pv",         libxl_string_list, False, "extra parameters pass 
directly to qemu for PV guest, NULL terminated"),
-    ("extra_hvm",        libxl_string_list, False, "extra parameters pass 
directly to qemu for HVM guest, NULL terminated"),
+    # size of the videoram in MB
+    ("videoram",         integer), 
+    ("stdvga",           bool),
+    ("vnc",              bool),
+    # "address:port" that should be listened on for the VNC server
+    ("vnclisten",        string),
+    ("vncpasswd",        string),
+    # VNC display number
+    ("vncdisplay",       integer),
+    # If set then try to find an unused port for the VNC server
+    ("vncunused",        bool),
+    # keyboard layout, default is en-us keyboard
+    ("keymap",           string),
+    ("sdl",              bool),
+    ("opengl",           bool), # (requires sdl enabled)
+    ("spice",            bool),
+    # At least one of spice port or spicetls_post must be given
+    ("spiceport",        integer),
+    ("spicetls_port",    integer),
+    # Interface to bind to
+    ("spicehost",        string),
+    # enable client connection with no password
+    ("spicedisable_ticketing", bool),
+    ("spicepasswd",      string),
+    ("spiceagent_mouse", bool),
+    ("nographic",        bool),
+    ("gfx_passthru",     bool),
+    ("serial",           string),
+    ("boot",             string),
+    ("usb",              bool),
+    # usbdevice: "tablet" for absolute mouse, "mouse" for PS/2 protocol 
relative mouse
+    ("usbdevice",        string),
+    ("soundhw",          string),
+    ("acpi",             bool),
+    ("vcpus",            integer), # max number of vcpus
+    ("vcpu_avail",       integer), # vcpus actually available
+    ("xen_platform_pci", bool),
+    # extra parameters pass directly to qemu, NULL terminated
+    ("extra",            libxl_string_list),
+    # extra parameters pass directly to qemu for PV guest, NULL terminated
+    ("extra_pv",         libxl_string_list),
+    # extra parameters pass directly to qemu for HVM guest, NULL terminated
+    ("extra_hvm",        libxl_string_list),
-    comment=
-"""Device Model information.
-Network is missing""")
 libxl_device_vfb = Struct("device_vfb", [
     ("backend_domid", libxl_domid),
     ("devid",         integer),
-    ("vnc",           bool,     False, "vnc enabled or disabled"),
-    ("vnclisten",     string,   False, "address:port that should be listened 
on for the VNC server if vnc is set"),
-    ("vncpasswd",     string,   False, "the VNC password"),
-    ("vncdisplay",    integer,  False, "set VNC display number"),
-    ("vncunused",     bool,     False, "try to find an unused port for the VNC 
-    ("keymap",        string,   False, "set keyboard layout, default is en-us 
-    ("sdl",           bool,     False, "sdl enabled or disabled"),
-    ("opengl",        bool,     False, "opengl enabled or disabled (if enabled 
requires sdl enabled)"),
+    ("vnc",           bool),
+    # address:port that should be listened on for the VNC server if vnc is set
+    ("vnclisten",     string),
+    ("vncpasswd",     string),
+    ("vncdisplay",    integer),
+    ("vncunused",     bool),
+    # set keyboard layout, default is en-us keyboard
+    ("keymap",        string),
+    ("sdl",           bool),
+    ("opengl",        bool), # (if enabled requires sdl enabled)
     ("display",       string),
     ("xauthority",    string),
@@ -342,13 +350,13 @@
 libxl_vcpuinfo = Struct("vcpuinfo", [
-    ("vcpuid", uint32,              False, "vcpu's id"),
-    ("cpu", uint32,                 False, "current mapping"),
-    ("online", bool,                False, "currently online (not 
-    ("blocked", bool,               False, "blocked waiting for an event?"),
-    ("running", bool,               False, "currently scheduled on its CPU?"),
-    ("vcpu_time", uint64,           False, "total vcpu time ran (ns)"),
-    ("cpumap", libxl_cpumap,        False, "current cpu's affinities"),
+    ("vcpuid", uint32),
+    ("cpu", uint32),
+    ("online", bool),
+    ("blocked", bool),
+    ("running", bool),
+    ("vcpu_time", uint64), # total vcpu time ran (ns)
+    ("cpumap", libxl_cpumap), # current cpu's affinities
 libxl_physinfo = Struct("physinfo", [
@@ -371,9 +379,9 @@
     ], dispose_fn=None, dir=DIR_OUT)
 libxl_topologyinfo = Struct("topologyinfo", [
-    ("coremap", libxl_cpuarray,   False, "cpu to core map"),
-    ("socketmap", libxl_cpuarray, False, "cpu to socket map"),
-    ("nodemap", libxl_cpuarray,   False, "cpu to node map"),
+    ("coremap", libxl_cpuarray),   # cpu to core map
+    ("socketmap", libxl_cpuarray), # cpu to socket map
+    ("nodemap", libxl_cpuarray),   # cpu to node map
 libxl_sched_credit = Struct("sched_credit", [
diff -r 58a608e1a100 -r 996c95a3e7e0 tools/libxl/libxltypes.py
--- a/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxltypes.py Tue Jan 31 14:39:57 2012 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 class Type(object):
     def __init__(self, typename, **kwargs):
-        self.comment = kwargs.setdefault('comment', None)
         self.namespace = kwargs.setdefault('namespace',
         self.dir = kwargs.setdefault('dir', DIR_BOTH)
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@
         self.rawname = str.upper(enum.rawname) + "_" + self.valuename
         self.name = str.upper(enum.namespace) + self.rawname
         self.value = value
-        self.comment = kwargs.setdefault("comment", None)
 class Enumeration(Type):
     def __init__(self, typename, values, **kwargs):
@@ -129,16 +127,9 @@
         self.values = []
         for v in values:
-            # (value, name[, comment=None])
-            if len(v) == 2:
-                (num,name) = v
-                comment = None
-            elif len(v) == 3:
-                num,name,comment = v
-            else:
-                raise ""
+            # (value, name)
+            (num,name) = v
             self.values.append(EnumerationValue(self, num, name,
-                                                comment=comment,
     def lookup(self, name):
         for v in self.values:
@@ -152,7 +143,6 @@
         self.type = type
         self.name = name
         self.const = kwargs.setdefault('const', False)
-        self.comment = kwargs.setdefault('comment', None)
         self.enumname = kwargs.setdefault('enumname', None)
 class Aggregate(Type):
@@ -164,19 +154,17 @@
         self.fields = []
         for f in fields:
-            # (name, type[, const=False[, comment=None]])
+            # (name, type[, const=False])
             if len(f) == 2:
                 n,t = f
                 const = False
-                comment = None
             elif len(f) == 3:
                 n,t,const = f
-                comment = None
-                n,t,const,comment = f
+                raise ValueError
             if n is None:
                 raise ValueError
-            self.fields.append(Field(t,n,const=const,comment=comment))
+            self.fields.append(Field(t,n,const=const))
     # Returns a tuple (stem, field-expr)

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