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[xen staging] tools/oxenstored: Add cooperative live-update command

commit 401c67e9bc8b80eff7589307dba498ae0bfdfea6
Author:     Edwin Török <edvin.torok@xxxxxxxxxx>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 8 11:57:37 2021 +0000
Commit:     Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
CommitDate: Fri Jan 22 16:49:21 2021 +0000

    tools/oxenstored: Add cooperative live-update command
    See docs/misc/xenstore.txt for documentation on live-update command.  
    that the binary exists and that the cmdline is valid, to prevent typos from
    taking down xenstore; if live-update fails there is no way back due to the 
    of exec().
    Live update only proceeds if there are no active transactions, and no
    unprocessed input or unflushed output.
    Signed-off-by: Edwin Török <edvin.torok@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Pau Ruiz Safont <pau.safont@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Christian Lindig <christian.lindig@xxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/ocaml/xenstored/process.ml | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/ocaml/xenstored/stdext.ml  |   6 +++
 2 files changed, 115 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/process.ml b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/process.ml
index 437d2dcf9e..bf18488094 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/process.ml
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/process.ml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 let error fmt = Logging.error "process" fmt
+let warn fmt = Logging.warn "process" fmt
 let info fmt = Logging.info "process" fmt
 let debug fmt = Logging.debug "process" fmt
@@ -84,11 +85,119 @@ let create_implicit_path t perm path =
                List.iter (fun s -> Transaction.mkdir ~with_watch:false t perm 
s) ret
+module LiveUpdate = struct
+type t =
+       { binary: string
+       ; cmdline: string list
+       ; deadline: float
+       ; force: bool
+       ; pending: bool }
+let state = ref
+       { binary= Sys.executable_name
+       ; cmdline= []
+       ; deadline= 0.
+       ; force= false
+       ; pending= false }
+let debug = Printf.eprintf
+let args_of_t t = (t.binary, "--restart" :: t.cmdline)
+let string_of_t t =
+       let executable, rest = args_of_t t in
+       Filename.quote_command executable rest
+let launch_exn t =
+       let executable, rest = args_of_t t in
+       let args = Array.of_list (executable :: rest) in
+       Unix.execv args.(0) args
+let validate_exn t =
+       (* --help must be last to check validity of earlier arguments *)
+       let t = {t with cmdline= t.cmdline @ ["--help"]} in
+       let cmd = string_of_t t in
+       debug "Executing %s" cmd ;
+       match Unix.fork () with
+       | 0 ->   ( try launch_exn t with _ -> exit 2 )
+       | pid -> (
+               match Unix.waitpid [] pid with
+                       | _, Unix.WEXITED 0 ->
+                               debug "Live update validated cmdline %s" cmd;
+                       t
+                       | _, Unix.WEXITED n ->
+                               invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Command %s exited 
with code %d" cmd n)
+                       | _, Unix.WSIGNALED n ->
+                               invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Command %s killed 
by ocaml signal number %d" cmd n)
+                       | _, Unix.WSTOPPED n ->
+                               invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Command %s stopped 
by ocaml signal number %d" cmd n)
+       )
+let parse_live_update args =
+       try
+       (state :=
+               match args with
+               | ["-f"; file] ->
+                       validate_exn {!state with binary= file}
+               | ["-a"] ->
+                       debug "Live update aborted" ;
+                       {!state with pending= false}
+               | "-c" :: cmdline ->
+                       validate_exn {!state with cmdline}
+               | "-s" :: _ ->
+                       let timeout = ref 60 in
+                       let force = ref false in
+                       Arg.parse_argv ~current:(ref 1) (Array.of_list args)
+                               [ ( "-t"
+                                 , Arg.Set_int timeout
+                                 , "timeout in seconds to wait for active 
transactions to finish"
+                                 )
+                               ; ( "-F"
+                                 , Arg.Set force
+                                 , "force live update to happen even with 
running transactions after timeout elapsed"
+                                 )
+                               ]
+                       (fun x -> raise (Arg.Bad x))
+                       "live-update -s" ;
+                       debug "Live update process queued" ;
+                               {!state with deadline = Unix.gettimeofday () +. 
float !timeout
+                               ; force= !force; pending= true}
+               | _ ->
+                       invalid_arg ("Unknown arguments: " ^ String.concat "," 
args)) ;
+       None
+       with
+       | Arg.Bad s | Arg.Help s | Invalid_argument s ->
+               Some s
+       | Unix.Unix_error (e, fn, args) ->
+               Some (Printf.sprintf "%s(%s): %s" fn args (Unix.error_message 
+       let should_run cons =
+               let t = !state in
+               if t.pending then begin
+                       match Connections.prevents_quit cons with
+                       | [] -> true
+                       | _ when Unix.gettimeofday () < t.deadline -> false
+                       | l ->
+                               info "Live update timeout reached: %d active 
connections" (List.length l);
+                               List.iter (fun con -> warn "%s prevents live 
update" (Connection.get_domstr con)) l;
+                               if t.force then begin
+                                       warn "Live update forced, some domain 
connections may break!";
+                                       true
+                               end else begin
+                                       warn "Live update aborted, try 
migrating or shutting down the domains/toolstack";
+                                       state := { t with pending = false };
+                                       false
+                               end
+               end else false
 (* packets *)
 let do_debug con t _domains cons data =
        if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) && not !allow_debug
        then None
        else try match split None '\000' data with
+       | "live-update" :: params ->
+               LiveUpdate.parse_live_update params
        | "print" :: msg :: _ ->
                Logging.xb_op ~tid:0 ~ty:Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug ~con:"=======>" msg;
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/stdext.ml b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/stdext.ml
index 4f2f3a2c8c..e1567c4dfa 100644
--- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/stdext.ml
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/stdext.ml
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ let default d v =
 let maybe f v =
        match v with None -> () | Some x -> f x
+module Filename = struct
+       include Filename
+       let quote_command cmd args =
+               cmd :: args |> List.map quote |> String.concat " "
 module String = struct include String
 let of_char c = String.make 1 c
generated by git-patchbot for /home/xen/git/xen.git#staging



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