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[Xen-cim] Current code vs. DMTF model resend

  • To: <xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Szymanski, Lukasz K" <Lukasz.Szymanski@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 11:35:11 -0400
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 17 May 2006 08:36:24 -0700
  • List-id: xen-cim mailing list <xen-cim.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: AcZ18U/u6X+BJQOnShOHW1u9+00e7ADGy4IgAAZ7BoAAAAmq4AAAi6+wAAAdTRAAACqjgAAACzpAAAER0wAAAEj40AABB+XQAAxF5kAAFmougAACQaOg
  • Thread-topic: Current code vs. DMTF model resend

An htm file for easier reading.


Here are classes I don't know what to do with:


CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities              Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ConcreteJob                                               Optional                        Not Implemented

CIM_LogicalDevice (host resource)                      Conditional                    Not Implemented


These belong to either Hardware Instrumentation of Settings Configuration:



Capabilities                                                       Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_VirtualSystemManage­mentService               Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData                           Mandatory                     In Progress



Virtual System Hardware Instrumentation


CIM_ComputerSystem                                       Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_LogicalDevice (virtual resource)                    Mandatory                     Implemented



Virtual Systems Resource Settings Configuration


CIM_VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent           Mandatory                     In Progress


(Current State)                                                   Mandatory                     In Progress


(RecordedSetting)                                              Mandatory                     Not Implemented



Resource Pool


CIM_ResourcePool                                            Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ResourcePoolConfigurationService               Mandatory                     Not Implemented


Capabilities                                                       Mandatory                     Not Implemented


DMTF Profile Registration


CIM_RegisteredProfile                                        Mandatory                     Not Implemented




This is my understanding of the gap between the DMTF and the Xen code currently in place in terms of associations.  Please correct/modify as appropriate. 

From the System Virtualization Profile document, Version  0.7.1




ManagementService                                           Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ElementCapabilities                                    Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_ElementConformsToProfile                          Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ElementSettingData                                    Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_HostedDependency                                    Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_HostedService                                            Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_ReferencedProfile                                       Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_RecordedSetting                                         Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ServiceAffectsElement                                Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ServiceComponent                                      Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_SettingDefinesCapabilities                           Mandatory                     Not Implemented


Component                                                        Mandatory                     In Progress



From the Resource Virtualization Profile document, Version  0.8.1


CIM_ElementConformsToProfile                          Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_AffectedJobElement                                    Optional                        Not Implemented

CIM_AllocatedFromPool                                     Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ConcreteComponent                                   Conditional                    Not Implemented

CIM_ElementCapabilities                                    Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_ElementSettingData                                    Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_HostedDependency                                    Optional                        Implemented

CIM_HostedResourcePool                                  Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_HostedService                                            Mandatory                     Implemented

CIM_RecordedSetting                                         Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_ServiceAffectsElement                                Mandatory                     Not Implemented

CIM_SystemDevice                                            Conditional                    Implemented


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