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[Xen-cim] Cimtester results

  • To: <xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Szymanski, Lukasz K" <Lukasz.Szymanski@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 14:21:54 -0400
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:20:42 -0700
  • List-id: xen-cim mailing list <xen-cim.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: Acd2ykJdbOeB0ug2RqSvD2/chAKnSQAG0now
  • Thread-topic: Cimtester results

Last night I was able to run a "sanity test" on all our providers with cimtester.  According to the documentation, here is what it does:

ClassSanityTest tests the following:
           for each response, getInstance, and validate that the two object paths match
           enumInstances, validate that the object paths from enumInstanceNames and enumInstances match
           associators/associatorNames - validate that the object paths returned are equal sets
           references/referenceNames - validate that the object paths returned are equal sets
           validate that the # of results from associators/associatorNames/references/referenceNames matches
           TODO:  (not yet implemented) if reverseTest is true, then for association calls, reverse the call:
           for each result, pass in that object path, and validate that the original object path is returned in the result set.

           default = true (when implemented...)

Here is what we got.  Not very elaborate output, but we did fail a lot of tests.


Attachment: results
Description: results

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