xen:~ # bonnie++ -d /tmp -s 256 -u nobody Using uid:65534, gid:65533. Writing with putc()...done Writing intelligently...done Rewriting...done Reading with getc()...done Reading intelligently...done start 'em...done...done...done... Create files in sequential order...done. Stat files in sequential order...done. Delete files in sequential order...done. Create files in random order...done. Stat files in random order...done. Delete files in random order...done. Version 1.01d ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random- -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks-- Machine Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP /sec %CP xen 256M 59542 57 67332 23 14097 3 41517 25 61763 8 246.2 0 ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create-------- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- files /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP 16 3052 95 +++++ +++ +++++ +++ 3492 98 +++++ +++ 12457 100 xen,256M,59542,57,67332,23,14097,3,41517,25,61763,8,246.2,0,16,3052,95,+++++,+++,+++++,+++,3492,98,+++++,+++,12457,100