/* * Copyright (C) 2016 George W. Dunlap, Citrix Systems UK Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the * License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ package main /* #cgo LDFLAGS: -lyajl -lxenlight #include #include */ import "C" import ( "unsafe" "fmt" "time" ) type Context struct { ctx *C.libxl_ctx } var Ctx Context func (Ctx *Context) IsOpen() bool { return Ctx.ctx != nil } func (Ctx *Context) Open() (err error) { if Ctx.ctx != nil { return } ret := C.libxl_ctx_alloc(unsafe.Pointer(&Ctx.ctx), C.LIBXL_VERSION, 0, nil) if ret != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("Allocating libxl context: %d", ret) } return } func (Ctx *Context) Close() (err error) { ret := C.libxl_ctx_free(unsafe.Pointer(Ctx.ctx)) Ctx.ctx = nil if ret != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("Freeing libxl context: %d", ret) } return } type Domid uint32 type MemKB uint64 // FIXME: Use the idl to generate types type Dominfo struct { // FIXME: uuid Domid Domid Running bool Blocked bool Paused bool Shutdown bool Dying bool Never_stop bool Shutdown_reason int32 // FIXME shutdown_reason enumeration Outstanding_memkb MemKB Current_memkb MemKB Shared_memkb MemKB Paged_memkb MemKB Max_memkb MemKB Cpu_time time.Duration Vcpu_max_id uint32 Vcpu_online uint32 Cpupool uint32 Domain_type int32 //FIXME libxl_domain_type enumeration } func (Ctx *Context) DomainInfo(Id Domid) (di *Dominfo, err error) { if Ctx.ctx == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("Context not opened") return } var cdi C.libxl_dominfo ret := C.libxl_domain_info(Ctx.ctx, unsafe.Pointer(&cdi), C.uint32_t(Id)) // FIXME: IsDomainNotPresentError if ret != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("libxl_domain_info failed: %d", ret) return } // FIXME -- use introspection to make this more robust di = &Dominfo{} di.Domid = Domid(cdi.domid) di.Running = bool(cdi.running) di.Blocked = bool(cdi.blocked) di.Paused = bool(cdi.paused) di.Shutdown = bool(cdi.shutdown) di.Dying = bool(cdi.dying) di.Never_stop = bool(cdi.never_stop) di.Shutdown_reason = int32(cdi.shutdown_reason) di.Outstanding_memkb = MemKB(cdi.outstanding_memkb) di.Current_memkb = MemKB(cdi.current_memkb) di.Shared_memkb = MemKB(cdi.shared_memkb) di.Paged_memkb = MemKB(cdi.paged_memkb) di.Max_memkb = MemKB(cdi.max_memkb) di.Cpu_time = time.Duration(cdi.cpu_time) di.Vcpu_max_id = uint32(cdi.vcpu_max_id) di.Vcpu_online = uint32(cdi.vcpu_online) di.Cpupool = uint32(cdi.cpupool) di.Domain_type = int32(cdi.domain_type) return } func (Ctx *Context) DomainUnpause(Id Domid) (err error) { if Ctx.ctx == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("Context not opened") return } ret := C.libxl_domain_unpause(Ctx.ctx, C.uint32_t(Id)) if ret != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("libxl_domain_unpause failed: %d", ret) } return } // typedef struct { // uint32_t size; /* number of bytes in map */ // uint8_t *map; // } libxl_bitmap; // void libxl_bitmap_init(libxl_bitmap *map); // void libxl_bitmap_dispose(libxl_bitmap *map); // # Consistent with values defined in domctl.h // # Except unknown which we have made up // libxl_scheduler = Enumeration("scheduler", [ // (0, "unknown"), // (4, "sedf"), // (5, "credit"), // (6, "credit2"), // (7, "arinc653"), // (8, "rtds"), // ]) type Scheduler int var ( SchedulerUnknown Scheduler = 0 SchedulerSedf Scheduler = 4 SchedulerCredit Scheduler = 5 SchedulerCredit2 Scheduler = 6 SchedulerArinc653 Scheduler = 7 SchedulerRTDS Scheduler = 8 ) // const char *libxl_scheduler_to_string(libxl_scheduler p); // int libxl_scheduler_from_string(const char *s, libxl_scheduler *e); func (s Scheduler) String() (string) { cs := C.libxl_scheduler_to_string(C.libxl_scheduler(s)) // No need to free const return value return C.GoString(cs) } func SchedulerFromString(name string) (s Scheduler, err error) { cname := C.CString(name) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname)) var cs C.libxl_scheduler ret := C.libxl_scheduler_from_string(cname, &cs) if ret != 0 { err = fmt.Errorf("libxl_scheduler_from_string failed: %d", ret) return } s = Scheduler(cs) return } // libxl_cpupoolinfo = Struct("cpupoolinfo", [ // ("poolid", uint32), // ("pool_name", string), // ("sched", libxl_scheduler), // ("n_dom", uint32), // ("cpumap", libxl_bitmap) // ], dir=DIR_OUT) type CpupoolInfo struct { PoolId uint32 PoolName string Scheduler Scheduler DomainCount int // Punt on cpumap for now } // libxl_cpupoolinfo * libxl_list_cpupool(libxl_ctx*, int *nb_pool_out); // void libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(libxl_cpupoolinfo *list, int nb_pool); func (Ctx *Context) ListCpupool() (list []CpupoolInfo) { var nbPool C.int c_cpupool_list := C.libxl_list_cpupool(Ctx.ctx, &nbPool) defer C.libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(c_cpupool_list, nbPool) if int(nbPool) == 0 { return } // Magic cpupoolListSlice := (*[1 << 30]C.libxl_cpupoolinfo)(unsafe.Pointer(c_cpupool_list))[:nbPool:nbPool] for i := range cpupoolListSlice { var info CpupoolInfo info.PoolId = uint32(cpupoolListSlice[i].poolid) info.PoolName = C.GoString(cpupoolListSlice[i].pool_name) info.Scheduler = Scheduler(cpupoolListSlice[i].sched) info.DomainCount = int(cpupoolListSlice[i].n_dom) list = append(list, info) } return } func (Ctx *Context) CpupoolFindByName(name string) (info CpupoolInfo, found bool) { plist := Ctx.ListCpupool() for i := range plist { if plist[i].PoolName == name { found = true info = plist[i] return } } return } func main() { err := Ctx.Open() if err != nil{ fmt.Print(err) return } var list []CpupoolInfo = Ctx.ListCpupool() fmt.Print("Name\t\tSched\t\tDomain count\n") for _, info := range list { fmt.Printf("%s\t\t%s\t\t%b\n", info.PoolName, info.Scheduler, info.DomainCount) } }