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RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] [PATCH] translate_domain_pte must handle ED bit

>>From: Isaku Yamahata
>>Sent: 2006年2月20日 16:32
>>translate_domain_pte() must handle ED bit explicitly.
>>This case can occur because of vcpu_itc_d().
>Seems a bug, however do you know why it only jumps out now? Seems PAGE_ED is
>likely on in lookup_domain_mpa...
>BTW, bit[53-63] are ignored bits per of SDM2, and then you can just 
>them instead of BUG there. ;-)

Current P2M table contains not only machine address, but also ED and all memory 
attribute bits, like read, write, execution, dirt and privilege level. That is, 
the format of P2M table entry is same with PTE. map_domain_page function does 
this for xen,
All these codes come from linux kernel, not changed much. IMO ED and all memory 
attribute bits can be disserted in P2M table, all these bits should come from 

Yamahata san,
I know you are designing P2M for dom0, if you can do this cleanup in the 
meantime; it is definitely deserved and efficient. But be careful, many 
functions have the assumption that ED is in the result of lookup_domain_mpa :-( 


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