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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] scp bug report

On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 15:55 -0600, Alex Williamson wrote:
>    FYI, I get the below BUG_ON when I try to scp a file from dom0.  To
> reproduce, from dom0, scp a file from a remote system (ex. scp
> user@remote:~/file ./).  Looks like we're expecting IRQs to be enabled,
> but they're not.  Anyone else seeing this?  Thanks,
>       Alex

I reproduced this on an rx1620 running Debian unstable.  Some minor
differences in register content, but the BUG_ON was identical and the
traceback was the same.

The scp returned immediately (though I was scp'ing a 40MB file) and
then the system locked up.

Al Stone                                      Alter Ego:
Open Source and Linux R&D                     Debian Developer
Hewlett-Packard Company                       http://www.debian.org
E-mail: ahs3@xxxxxxxxx                        ahs3@xxxxxxxxxx

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