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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel][PATCH 0/4] boot windows server 2003:

Le Jeudi 03 Août 2006 10:02, Xu, Anthony a écrit :
> >I tried to install on VTI-domain.  The installation doesn't make any
> > progress after "Setup is starting WIndows".
> Hi Tristan,
> There are two things you can check,
> 1. You need to use the latest Cset 10922.
> 2. You need to use bvt scheduler, credit may not work.
>  I also encounter your situation, when I revert back to bvt, it works.
> BTW, the install is slow due to IDE is very slow.
I was using CSET 10922 and bvt.
I will try harder.


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