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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] Modify to introduce delayed p2m table destruction

On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 12:24:24PM +0900, Doi.Tsunehisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>   Hmm, I've thought that gnttab_release_mapping() ensures it...

No. gnttab_release_mapping() is for a domain which maps a page granted by
another domain. Not for a domain which grants page mapping.

> > However during shadow_teardown_xxx() in your patch
> > other domain might access the p2m table and struct page_info.
> > Page reference convension must be kept right during them.
>   Yes, it might access them. In past, I thought so, but after
> discussion about delayed p2m table destruction of shadow2, I've be
> satisfied that get_page avoids memory corruption finally.

You might understand x86 shadow code.
However you must understand IA64 code too.
It would be effective to understand IA64 code by analogy of
x86 shadow code, But they're different.

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