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[PATCH] Check CPL for break 0x80001 case. Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] [Q]ltrace and do_ssc

Hi, All

 This is a patch which intends for fixing ltrace problem.
When I execute a command "ltrace ps" on dom0, it makes dom0 hung.
It comes from "break 0x80001" is shared by ltrace(CPL=3) and hpsim(CPL=2).
To avoid this problem, I just add check CPL in ia64_break_fault code.

Yamahata mail
Alex mail

Signed-off-by: Atsushi SAKAI <sakaia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Atsushi SAKAI

>Hi, Alex
>Thank you for your comments
>With this following fixes it seems running.
>Atsushi SAKAI
>>On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 11:27 +0900, Atsushi SAKAI wrote:
>>> Hi, Alex
>>>   I am trying "ltrace ps" on IA64.
>>> It makes dom0 hung.
>>> >From the serial console messages,
>>> (XEN) ia64_handle_break: bad ssc code 400000000001c480, 
>>> iip=0x4000000000002140,
>>> b0=0x4000000000002380... spinning
>>> It seems come from following system call.
>>> ia64_ssc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/arch/ia64/hp/sim/hpsim.S
>>> Do you have any idea to solve this problem?
>>   I'd guess you happened to hit a break value that overlaps with the
>>ones chosen for trapping into ski.  You might try getting rid of the
>>first test in handle_break() that calls do_ssc().
>>      Alex
>>Alex Williamson                             HP Open Source & Linux Org.

>Xen-ia64-devel mailing list

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