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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel][PATCH]Change to new interrupt deliver mechanism

Hi Anthony,

You (anthony.xu) said:
>>   * Hypervisor becomes to be able to use both GSI and Vector for
>>     callback irq.
>>     - For example, if it is normal value, HV accepts it as GSI.
>>       If it is value which is set MSB, HV accepts it as Vector.
>>   * If hypervisor gets Vector as callback irq, hypervisor finds the
>>     GSI for the pseudo device from virtual interrupt controller
>> setting. 
>>   What do you think about this method ?
> Hi Doi,
> There is only one IOAPIC in IPF,
> So irq is equal to GSI,

  Hardware IRQ is equal to GSI, but the IRQ in IPF-linux world is
abstruct value not GSI. So we need to get GSI for platform-pci from
IPF-linux world's IRQ. But I didn't find it.

- Tsunehisa Doi

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