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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel][PATCH]Change to new interrupt deliver mechanism

Hi Anthony,

You (anthony.xu) said:
>>   Do you meen that we have to modify qemu code to solve this isssue ?
> Doi,
> I think it's a clean way to handle both windows and linux guest in IPF side.
> And it is a very little modification in Qemu.
> But maybe IA32 can not use this method, because there may be two hardware
> irq for platform_pci, one is for PIC(i8259, irq 10 or 11), the other is for
> IOAPIC( maybe irq 28).
> In IPF side, there is only IOSAPIC, so there is only un-changed hardware 
> irq (28) for platfrom_pci device.

  If IA32 platform can not use this method, we must find anothger aproach
to resolve this issue, I think.

- Tsunehisa Doi

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