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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] [patch] calculate dom0 metaphysical load address correctly

On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 11:42:56AM +0900, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

> elilo tries the physical address given by its elf header at first,
> then tries to relocate the image only when administrater allows elilo
> to relocate explicitly with warning message.

I only took look at elilo code so that I don't know how distros
handle relocations.
I don't think relocation harms current dom0 builder as long as
the loading address is properly chosen.

> +     /*
> +      * We cannot rely on the load address in the ELF headers to
> +      * determine the meta physical address the image is loaded
> +      * at since meta physical memory needs to match physical
> +      * memory of the system for NUMA awareness. Patch the address
> +      * to match the real one, based on xen_pstart
> +      */

I don't understand this comment.
I think it's quite feasible to support NUMA with current memory model.
The pseudo physical address model is independ of NUMA support.
Presumably you have many patches locally behind this patch.


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