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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] [PATCH 0/8] foreign p2m exposure

Hi Isaku,

   I have these applied in a local tree, but I can't quite get them
working.  I used the updated [7/8] patch you sent out and replaced [6/8]
with the [5/5] patch from the other series.  The p2m expose/unexpose
hypercalls hooks seem to be missing from dom0vp_ops.  Perhaps a patch
for dom0_ops was dropped?  The fallback mechanisms don't appear to be
working either.

  I'm attaching mercurial bundles for my current working trees.  Apply
these with 'hg unbundle <file>'.  The -xen one is against current
ia64/xen-unstable.hg and the -linux one against

   Could you please send the missing pieces that apply on top of these
or let me know if there's something I missed?  Thanks,


Alex Williamson                             HP Open Source & Linux Org.

Attachment: foreign_p2m-linux.bundle
Description: Binary data

Attachment: foreign_p2m-xen.bundle
Description: Binary data

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