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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] Xen Itanium features available in Xen HVM?

Quoting Kayvan Sylvan <kayvan@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Thanks very much for the replies.
> We would like to lend some help with trying to implement the protection
> registers.

You're welcome!

> What is your advice on how to proceed?

PKR have been implemented in PV mode.
For VTi there is however an issue: we need an extra PK entry for the hypervisor.
I don't think we can share the entry with one set by the OS.
As there is no extra PKR (argh!), we need to implement an LRU-like arlgorithm.
Nothing very hard here.

You also need to be sure the PK are correctly handled in itc/itr/...

About the PK ids:
one must be reserved for Xen (it would be nice to use the same as the PV one,
I think it is 0 - TBC).
So only 23 bits remain for the domain.

(I think it would be nice to split again in two: use one bit to support
 VTi virtualization.  But that's future work).

Feel free to discuss implementation issues here.


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