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Re: [Xen-merge] xen-merge mailing list

* Martin J. Bligh (mbligh@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> A couple of basic questions:
> 1) What version of Xen code are we going to try to merge? People tell me
> the development stuff here is in quite a bit of flux right now ...

I'm working against xen-unstable tip.

> 2) Do you want to end up with something that switches statically at
> compile time, or dynamically for all standard x86 kernels? Ways to cope
> look to me like:
>       A) CONFIG option switch
>       B) Function pointers (like ia32 generic subarch stuff)
>       C) Dynamic rewriting (like CPU optimization stuff).

Not C unless there's no other choice (assuming you are talking
effectively self-modifying code).  Right now, I've got a mixture of
essentially A and B (or a variation on that theme ;-).


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