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Re: [XenPPC] continuous reprogram_timer[00] messages

Jimi, this fix works for me. I simply cvs updated the run/gpul directory of my mambo. I wish mercurial was this agile.

Jimi Xenidis wrote:
Hi Mark,
If you can update your systemsim then please do so.
if you cannot then apply the following patch to maple_devtree.tcl above the run/gpul directory

Index: maple_devtree.tcl
RCS file: /nas/cvs/mambo/run/gpul/maple_devtree.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 maple_devtree.tcl
--- maple_devtree.tcl    23 Jan 2006 21:11:23 -0000    1.3
+++ maple_devtree.tcl    30 Mar 2006 23:12:09 -0000
@@ -88,5 +88,5 @@
     mysim of setprop $chosen bootargs $bootargs
-set cpu0 [ mysim of find_device /cpus/PowerPC@0 ]
-mysim of setprop $cpu0 timebase-frequency 4000000
+#set cpu0 [ mysim of find_device /cpus/PowerPC@0 ]
+#mysim of setprop $cpu0 timebase-frequency 4000000

On Mar 30, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Mark F Mergen wrote:

Since all the pushes yesterday and a few more today (but not before that), I run up-to-date builds of xen-ppc (without any of my mods) and linux-2.6 running on mambo-gpul built Feb 23. Seems to make normal progress through early boot, while producing almost continuous reprogram_timer[00] messages. Eventually puts out message BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0! but keeps on running with continuous reprogram_time[00] message and occasional other more normal-looking boot messages interspersed. Are either of you seeing anything like this? Must I rebuild mambo? Perhaps you aren't testing on mambo before pushing, and this is something that only happens there because
of much slower execution throwing off some timer logic?

Thanks, Mark

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