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Re: [XenPPC] Track HID4[RM_CI] state for machine check

On Sep 8, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Hollis Blanchard wrote:

On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 02:10 +0000, Xen patchbot-xenppc-unstable wrote:
+static inline ulong read_scom(ulong addr)
+    union scomc c;
+    ulong d;
+    c.word = 0;
+    c.bits.addr = addr;
+    c.bits.RW = 0;

Shouldn't RW = 1 for a read request?

good point/catch, the supporting text says (11.6.3 SCOMD Format):

"It is the source for outgoing data during an SCOM write access (SCOMC[RW] =‘1’ when mtscomc is issued). It is the destination for incoming data after an SCOMC read access (SCOMC[RW]=‘0’ after mtscomc completes)."

However in Table 11-15 SCOMC[48]:

  0 Write request
  1 Read request

I'll get the facts.
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