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[XenPPC] [xenppc-unstable] [TOOLS][POWERPC] Cleanup allocMem() method

# HG changeset patch
# User Jimi Xenidis <jimix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Node ID 3b1358032f6ad2542e63848681c913a583274fa3
# Parent  6a9ae49a3bfe5e2bf2fcff3a179a1c5583863df1
[TOOLS][POWERPC] Cleanup allocMem() method

Signed-off-by: Jimi Xenidis <jimix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py |   63 +++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff -r 6a9ae49a3bfe -r 3b1358032f6a tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py   Fri Nov 10 18:41:25 2006 -0500
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py   Fri Nov 10 18:42:22 2006 -0500
@@ -1310,6 +1310,9 @@ class Common_XendDomainInfo:
             shadow_cur = xc.shadow_mem_control(self.domid, shadow / 1024)
             self.info['shadow_memory'] = shadow_cur
+            ### PPC
+            self.allocMem()
             channel_details = self.image.createImage()
@@ -1333,38 +1336,8 @@ class Common_XendDomainInfo:
             raise VmError(str(exn))
     def allocMem(self):
-        # Use architecture- and image-specific calculations to determine
-        # the various headrooms necessary, given the raw configured
-        # values.
-        # reservation, maxmem, memory, and shadow are all in KiB.
-        reservation = self.image.getRequiredInitialReservation(
-            self.info['memory'] * 1024)
-        maxmem = self.image.getRequiredAvailableMemory(
-            self.info['maxmem'] * 1024)
-        memory = self.image.getRequiredAvailableMemory(
-            self.info['memory'] * 1024)
-        shadow = self.image.getRequiredShadowMemory(
-            self.info['shadow_memory'] * 1024,
-            self.info['maxmem'] * 1024)
-        # Round shadow up to a multiple of a MiB, as shadow_mem_control
-        # takes MiB and we must not round down and end up under-providing.
-        shadow = ((shadow + 1023) / 1024) * 1024
-        # set memory limit
-        xc.domain_setmaxmem(self.domid, maxmem)
-        # Make sure there's enough RAM available for the domain
-        balloon.free(memory + shadow)
-        # Set up the shadow memory
-        shadow_cur = xc.shadow_mem_control(self.domid, shadow / 1024)
-        self.info['shadow_memory'] = shadow_cur
-        # initial memory reservation
-        xc.domain_memory_increase_reservation(self.domid, reservation, 0,
-                                              0)
+        # only for PPC
+        return
     def cleanupDomain(self):
         """Cleanup domain resources; release devices.  Idempotent.  Nothrow
@@ -2025,33 +1998,8 @@ class XendDomainInfo (Common_XendDomainI
         return self._rmaLogs[cputype]
     def allocMem(self):
-        # Use architecture- and image-specific calculations to determine
-        # the various headrooms necessary, given the raw configured
-        # values.
-        # reservation, maxmem, memory, and shadow are all in KiB.
-        reservation = self.image.getRequiredInitialReservation(
-            self.info['memory'] * 1024)
-        maxmem = self.image.getRequiredAvailableMemory(
-            self.info['maxmem'] * 1024)
         memory = self.image.getRequiredAvailableMemory(
             self.info['memory'] * 1024)
-        shadow = self.image.getRequiredShadowMemory(
-            self.info['shadow_memory'] * 1024,
-            self.info['maxmem'] * 1024)
-        # Round shadow up to a multiple of a MiB, as shadow_mem_control
-        # takes MiB and we must not round down and end up under-providing.
-        shadow = ((shadow + 1023) / 1024) * 1024
-        # set memory limit
-        xc.domain_setmaxmem(self.domid, maxmem)
-        dev_uuid = self.info.device_add('vtpm', cfg_xenapi = xenapi_vtpm)
-        # Make sure there's enough RAM available for the domain
-        balloon.free(memory + shadow)
-        # Set up the shadow memory, i.e. the PowerPC hash table
-        shadow_cur = xc.shadow_mem_control(self.domid, shadow / 1024)
-        self.info['shadow_memory'] = shadow_cur
         rma_log = 26 ### self.info['powerpc_rma_log']
         if rma_log == 0:
@@ -2070,6 +2018,7 @@ class XendDomainInfo (Common_XendDomainI
             raise ValueError("Domain memory must be at least %d KB" % rma_kb)
         # allocate the RMA
+        log.debug("alloc_real_mode_area(%d, %d)", self.domid, rma_log)
         xc.alloc_real_mode_area(self.domid, rma_log)
         # now allocate the remaining memory as large-order allocations

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