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[XenPPC] Re: [Libvir] libvirt not compatible with Xen-unstable hypercall API ?

On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 02:12:09PM -0500, Jerone Young wrote:
> While trying to verify any potential problem between with libvirt & Xen
> PPC port. I've found that libvirt currently in CVS attempts to determine
> what hypercall version to follow, by looking at the hypervisior version.
> We are attempting to ensure that Xen PPC works with libvirt. Though we
> have to use the latest hypercall api. 

 Just wondering, did you test libvirt CVS against 3.0.4, or is Xen PPC
support in 3.0.4 not good enough to try ? Basically I'm wondering if
except the hypercall change there are other PPC related changes which
need to be made.


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