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[Xen-devel] Re: extremely long xend startup time causing /etc/init.d/xendomains not to run?

On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 02:13:14PM -0500, Ryan Harper wrote:
> * Sean Dague <sean@xxxxxxxxx> [2005-09-14 13:55]:
> > I've started to notice the following issue, and would like to see if anyone
> > else has seen it before digging too deep.
> > 
> > When rebooting a xen system that has auto starting domains, they mostly
> > don't start.
> > 
> > On one system that tries to start 5 DomU instances, it appears only the last
> > one (alphabetically) ends up starting.  On the system with only 2 DomU
> > instances, nothing starts.  Neither of these are very speedy machines (700 &
> > 800 Mhz respectively), so a timing problem with /etc/init.d/xend starting is
> > probably exacerbated in this environment.
> > 
> > Sanity confirmation on this would be really useful, so if anyone else has
> > seen this please also post back. :)
> I've seen this a lot when working bug#197 As the number of entries in
> /var/lib/xenstored/store/domain/$uuid increase, the time for xend to get
> up and running increases.  When I had over 500 stale uuid directories in
> the store, it took several *minutes* for xend to full come up, and
> /var/lib/xenstored was several hundred MB.
> The only workaround I know is to:
> /etc/init.d/xend stop
> killall xenstored xenconsoled
> rm -rf /var/lib/xenstored/*
> /etc/init.d/xend start 

I tried that, and nstartup still has xend in an odd state after about 15
minutes.  It looks like a few domains attempted to autostart, but never
made it.  I'll compile this into a bugzilla tonight.



Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net                            Linux Users Group
http://dague.net                                 http://mhvlug.org

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