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[Xen-users] question ttylinux

 I dowmloaded ttylinux-xen.bz2  and bunzip2  it as follows in /xen ,but
the output is a file named "ttylinux-xen" ,not a directory
What should I do to setup a domain with ttylinux-xen?

[root@tgh root]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  install.log         Python-2.3.3.tgz  ttylinux-xen.bz2
Desktop          install.log.syslog  Python-2.4.1      ylinux
evolution        Python-2.3.3        Python-2.4.1.tar
[root@tgh root]# bunzip2 ttylinux-xen.bz2
[root@tgh root]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  install.log         Python-2.3.3.tgz  ttylinux-xen
Desktop          install.log.syslog  Python-2.4.1      ylinux
evolution        Python-2.3.3        Python-2.4.1.tar

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