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Re: [Xen-users] How do I disable usb support in the xen kernel build

> How can I disable usb support? I've done a "make ARCH=xen menuconfig"
> in the 2.4 xenU kernel, but I can't see anywhere where to disable it.
> Any ideas?
Find Device driver support -> USB support -> Support for Host-side USB
and turn it off. If USB Gadget Support -> Support for USB Gadgets is
turned on, turn that off too. (Press n with it selected to turn it off.)

But I'd suggest that if you don't know how to compile a kernel natively
for your architecture, you should learn before you try to compile a
kernel for Xen.

"The  rules  of  programming  are  transitory;  only  Tao  is  eternal.
 Therefore you  must contemplate Tao before you receive  enlightenment."
"How will I know when I have received enlightenment?"  asked the novice.
"Your program will then run correctly," replied the master.

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