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Re: [Xen-users] Compile Xen

> My compile xen stop working in line
> latex src/interface.tex >/dev/null
> This is normal?
Well, it's not normal, but it probably just means you don't have a LaTeX
package installed. If you had included the error message we could know
for sure what was wrong. Anyway, as this is just the documentation being
generated, and it happens after all the software has been built, your
Xen should be OK to install and use. If you want the documentation, just
install LaTeX.

Stop the infinite loop, I want to get off!     http://surreal.istic.org/
Paraphernalia/Never hides your broken bones,/ And I don't know why you'd
want to try:/ It's plain to see you're on your own.        -- Paul Simon
  The documentation that can be written is not the true documentation.

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