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Re: [Xen-users] Xen on production enviroment

Weve been running Xen for a bit now, and it has been very stable.
The servers are running cooler, and with a lower load average, as compared to other
virtualization setups.
Were running mulitple linux domU's per server, under a variety of loads,
and the vps's are very responsive. Xen is quite ready for production.

Timothy Doyle
Quantact Hosting Solutions, Inc.
tim [at] quantact dot com

Nate Carlson wrote:

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, Marlon Cabrera Oliveira wrote:

Someone already use xen as production server?
For example: 3 domains (mail, proxy and web server).

And what about stability?

I've been using it for at least 6 months (don't recall exactly when I started) for my personal hosting needs. Started a few crappy 2U boxes; when I switched jobs, I built a reasonably production-grade colo.. currently running on 2x Dell PowerEdge 1550's (Dual P3 1ghz; I've got two more identical boxes waiting to be moved over from my old colo) with a gig of memory each, using fibre channel storage (systems are even booting off LUN's on the storage, so no local disk) to a PowerVault 660F, and using GFS for shared storage between nodes. Xen has worked great; I had some stability issues with the 660F, but Dell's been replacing parts for me, and things have been solid for the last month or so.

I've got xenU's for admin, mail, web, 2x dns, 2x ldap, and various other toys. All working great.

Currently using FC3's build of Xen Unstable from a couple months ago; once I get the other boxes moved to the current colo, I'm going to experiment with the current unstable.

| nate carlson | natecars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.natecarlson.com |
|       depriving some poor village of its idiot since 1981            |

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