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Re: [Xen-users] BUG? domU reboot fails when using "pci =" option : FIXED

On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 12:12 -0700, list user wrote:
> Congratulations Ryan!  Great job.

Good, it works! Glad I could help.

> Good news is I've successfully rebooted two different domains, each with
> an exported pci device.
> Bad news is xendomains fails to autostart the domains.
> Good news is the same regular expression error exists in
> python/xen/xm/create.py in preprocess_pci on line #657.

That one's not an error. For some reason (it's funny when you can't even
remember why you wrote your own code the way you did), I made the
function take up two hex digits in XenStore. Traditionally, the function
is only a single hex digit. While the change to create.py's regular
expression wouldn't hurt anyone, it's probably better to make people use
the traditional PCI format.

> Bad news is xendomains still fails.

Good luck! :)


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