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Re: [Xen-users] How to make an exact copy of the VPS

On Monday 15 May 2006 4:32 am, Sadique wrote:
> But I don't think openvz is easy to administer and install. Right now if
> you are think about a control panel based vps you need to go with
> sw-soft's virtuazzo.  But I don't think openvz or virutuazzo can perform
> as fast as xen.

i don't know about ease of administration; but openVZ might be even faster 
than Xen, since they don't create virtual machines to run several kernels.  
they run a single kernel, and achieve separation by chroot-like jails (but 
much more extensive).  the overhead is almost non-existant.

the drawbacks are that since you're using a single kernel, it's much more 
difficult to use 'standard' linux distros.  basically, you're almost limited 
to using a single distro for all the 'partitions', but each can be configured 
differently, and the root user on one can't administer another.


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