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Re: [Xen-users] Best Distro for Xen, Software Raid and LVM

Software raid was always troublesome to me with xen. in breezy i made it once worked, but saved the config not. so i can not help you there, now run dapper-server with the xenify_0.2.sh and that does a good job. just had do install bridge-utils first, everythng worked then. use the second disk as backup.

Tony Hernandez schrieb:
Hey all,

I'm looking for people's experiences with distros that work best with Xen 3.0.2, software raid, and lvm.

I've tried Ubuntu (Breezy and Dapper) and CentOs 4.3. I wasn't satisfied with either. When I installed Dom0, I configured the drives for software raid and lvm. Then after downloading the Xen source, building and installing it, I couldn't get the Xen kernel to boot. The difficulty was only componded by both distros installing LILO.

Any insight into this area would be appreciated.

Tony Hernandez

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