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Re: [Xen-users] Xen as alternative for openMosix? about clustering

Mark Williamson wrote:

On Wednesday 12 July 2006 10:28, Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 10:49, Peter Vandersteegen wrote:
Hi all,

My problem: I have some desktop pc's on my work I would like to use as
calculation nodes in a cluster.
When I  start a job on the central node,  the cluster should be able to
load balance these jobs.

The idea for using XEN:
Run several light weight OS on the central node.  Log in to one of these
light weight OS, start your process and let load balancing take care of
the job?
Has anybody already tried this?  What are the pros and cons of this idea?

I think Peter was referring to using Xen's live OS migration instead of process migration... Is that right Peter?

Although as Emiliano stated, you can only have one virtual machine resident on one physical machine at once, if you split up each computation job onto a different virtual machien it should be possible to load balance those jobs across the cluster.

That was indeed the main idea. (Some questions remain concerning the overhead)

Note that there's no (free) load balancer for Xen at the moment, but you could probably write your own.
Aha, that is a bigger problem  :).

By the way, thanks for all the replies.



Peter Vandersteegen
Ghent University - IMEC
Dept. of Information Technology (INTEC)
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Tel: +32 9 264 3447
Fax: +32 9 264 3593
Email: Peter.Vandersteegen@xxxxxxxx
Website: photonics.intec.ugent.be

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