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Re: [Xen-users] Delay opening sockets

On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 04:53:31PM +0100, Adam Smith wrote:

> Thanks but that's the first thing we tried.  It's not a DNS lookup 
> causing the delay (we're connecting by IP address) and we've ruled out 
> anything on the remote server.  It occurs on any port, with any service 
> as far as we can tell.

  (For DNS I meant that the service you're connecting to might be
 timing out doing lookups of the IPs it sees connecting; so even
 if you're connecting to the server by IP addresses that could
 still be the problem.  Anyway you say you've ruled it out, thats
 good enough for me.)

  I guess the next obvious thing to try is to disable the TCP
 checksumming and see if that helps.

  Run the following as root on the system which is having the

  ethtool -K eth0 tx off

  See if that helps?


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