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Re: [Xen-users] Running RHEL4 domain U in a FC5 domain0

On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 18:26 -0800, Stefano Harding wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to get a RedHat 4 guest OS running under a Fedora Core 5 
> domain 0. I have several FC5 guest os's running without a problem but 
> have had no luck trying to figure out how to get RHEL to install and 
> run. I've google'ed for days and tried all kinds of stuff with no 
> success. Anyone out there able to get RHEL4 running as a guest domain? 
> Any help is greatly appreciated!

have a look at http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/Centos4Yuminstallation
all you need is to adapt the Yum configs to fetch RHEL4 packages. 
A possible solution for that (AFAIK theres no public RHEL Repository)

*) copy all packages from your RHEL Media to a local FTP/HTTP 
    accessable store
*) get the createrepo package (yum -y install createrepo, or 
*) create the repository for the local Packages
*) modify the Yum.repo Config file to fetch the packages from your
    FTP/HTTP Repository

the rest should be done as mentioned on the Centos4Yuminstallation

Kind regars
Michael Lang

>     - Stefano
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