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Re: [Xen-users] SuSE 9.3 XenU using the Xen 3 RHEL4.1 RPM

Hi Ulrich,

Thanks your suggestion gets rid of the annoying references to not being able to find the modules. However it still doesn't allow the machine to come up in runlevel 3 which is what I want. There are also some errors at the start about not being about to create /dev/mapper/control, although it seems to exist already with the correct permissions.

The errors look as follows:

Activating device mapper...
FATAL: Module dm_mod not found.
device-mapper kernel module not loaded: can't create /dev/mapper/control.
showconsole: Warning: the ioctl TIOCGDEV is not known by the kernel

I couldn't find any easy solution.

Ulrich Windl wrote:
On 11 Dec 2006 at 15:39, Eamonn Kenny wrote:

Starting SSH daemonmodprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.16-xen3_86.1_rhel4.1/modules.dep: No such file or directory


I guess the file actually does not exist. I think there's a "depmod" command totally unrelated to XEN...

Have you ever tried "man -k modules.dep"?:
depmod (8)           - program to generate modules.dep and map files.
modules.dep (5)      - List of module dependencies


With Best regards,
Eamonn Kenny
Grid Jokes: Too much gin leads to gout.

Dr. Eamonn M. Kenny,          Telephone:               00+353-1-8961536
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