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Re: [Xen-users] Live Migration... shortest path

On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 02:43:15PM -0800, Kraska, Joe A (US SSA) wrote:
> In a prior message I documented my woes in getting an NFS_ROOT xen
> going. I haven't resolved those yet, want to try a different tack at
> this:
> If the group were to recommend a path of least resistance
> to showing migration/live migration, which configuration would it be?

Create a file based disk image stored on an NFS partition shared between
your two Dom0s. File based images on NFS are certainly slow, but its the
minimal effort required to demo migration. For more serious production
use you'd want either a cluster filesystem like GFS, or a network block
device like iSCSI, or shared SAN with cluster LVM.

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