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Re: [Xen-users] RedHat Enterprise Linux RPM - PAE question

On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 10:15:05PM +0100, Henning Sprang wrote:
> On 2/15/07, Edward Muller <edwardam@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >I need to rebuild the kernel that's provided with redhat RPMS. I
> >downloaded the xen source distro and used the kernel from there,
> Hmm, rebuilding the rpm is not the same as using the xensource tarball?!
> >but
> >the system keeps rebooting with the following error:
> >
> >**Loading Domain 0**
> If the redhat kernel is the same as fedora, it is only pae-enabled, so
> you need to build with PAE. I never did that, I'm guessing this is
> configured in config.mk.

We don't ship any Xen kernel  RPMs for RHEL 4.4  so they're not ours.
Must be XenSource's custom RPMs.

> For rebuilding your rpms, which you probably need to fulfil
> dependencies fo some of the redhat-specific tools, and to get newer
> kernel versions, ask the redhat support/fedora lists.

All the neccessary dependancies for Red Hat kernel RPMs are expressed
in the BuildRequires tags in the RPM specfiles. As I said above though,
these are not our RPms since we don't ship any RHEL 4.4  Xen RPms.

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