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[Xen-users] Problem with kernel and internet


I am experiencing problems when I log onto the xen kernel - internet related.
OS: Fedora Core 6
Kernel: kernel-xen-2.6.19-1.2911.6.5.fc6

I am running an old kernel because the new one was giving me problems when 
trying to transfer files. It would reboot on its own or give errors so I want 
to revert to an older kernel.

When I log into the xen kernel I can not ping anything other than 
Every other ping is not successful. When I boot into the regular Fedora kernel 
- internet and pings work correctly.

The newest version of the xen kernel worked with the internet as well, however 
had problems as described above.

I have checked all the settings and everything looks to be the same as the 
other working kernel. 

Is there anything I can try to do - so I can get this xen kernel working with 
the internet?



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