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Re: [Xen-users] xen over quemu OR quemu in Xen domU on a system with HVM-capable CPU

On Mi, Mai 30, 2007 at 05:42:37 +0100, Mark Williamson wrote:
> Igor,
> Just to clarify
> > > Actually, I want to run
> > >
> > > quemu + kquemu inside Xen Domain 0 on the HVM-capable system.
> What are you actually trying to achieve here?  It would probably help us 
> understand what you wanted to do better if we knew why.

Thank you for your help.
And please, excuse me my bad English.

I'll try to clarify what I want.


I can run FreeBSD inside quemu, but I can't run FreeBSD 
(especially legacy FreeBSD, e.g. FreeBSD 5)
inside Xen domain.
Even on HVM capable machines.
(as far as I know proble is related to loader and big real mode).

As far as I can judge analogous problem exists for several other

That is there are OS'es which we can run inside quemu but can't run
inside Xen domU.

Am I right?

Main operating system that I use is Linux.
And that is great how Linux runs inside Xen.
(As for me, Xen is the best here!)
Also there are many good mechanisms and tools to work with Xen infrastructure.

I like Xen networking, intelligent config files for domains, 
Xen live migration, XenAPI and many other Xen features.

So I want to find a way to run OSes (inside quemu or any other way)
that can not run directly in Xen domUs (even on HVM)
simultaneously with normal Xen domUs.

Thats my idea.

Hope that I have explained it better now.

May be, my information is out of date and today absolutely any
(x86,legacy) OS can run in Xen domU on an HVM capable machine?

WBR, i.m.chubin

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