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Re: [Xen-users] virt-install & kickstart

On Fri, Jun 01, 2007 at 03:31:26PM -0400, Brent Meshier wrote:
> Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way, but I want to create 10
> virtual domains each with their own IP ( ->
> I was using virt-install, but I then have to modify the kickstart file,
> changing the IP address manually each time.  Is there an easier way
> where I can specify the IP address for eth0 on the command line?
> virt-install
> -p-location=
> lv_dom1-name=dom1-ram=4096-vnc -x "ks=
> ip= netmask= dns=
> gateway="

One option since your kickstart is already being hosted on a web server
is to simply make the kickstart file be a CGI script - and have a parameter
you pass to it to substitute in the IP address. eg,

 -x "ks=";

Or getting slightly more advanced, instead of passing in an IP address,
pass in a MAC address & then use that mac to lookup a whole bunch of
per-host custom parameters for your kickstar

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