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RE: [Xen-users] prob HVM boot image sco

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007, Petersson, Mats wrote:

> Do you have any information in the /var/log/xen/qemu-dm.<pid>.log for
> the domain? [using "ls -ltr" to list the "latest" one is a good way to
> find which is the one you've just got, as they are "named" based on the
> process ID of the qemu-dm, which isn't particularly helpful in knowing
> which one is new and old].
#  grep ^[a-z] vm3_sco | grep =
arch = os.uname()[4]
kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
memory = 128
name = "vm3"
vif = [ 'type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0' ]
disk = [ 'file:/mnt/backup/img/sco.dd,ioemu:sda,w' ]
device_model = '/usr/' + arch_libdir + '/xen/bin/qemu-dm'

# xm create vm3_sco
Using config file "/etc/xen/vm3_sco".
Started domain vm3

# more xend.log qemu-dm.4866.log
[2007-06-12 21:21:15 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) Opening Unix domain socket
PC server on /var/run/xend/xmlrpc.sock.
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072)
XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['
name', 'vm3'], ['memory', 128], ['vcpus', 1], ['on_xend_start', 'ignore'],
xend_stop', 'ignore'], ['image', ['hvm', ['kernel',
'], ['device_model', '/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'], ['pae', 1], ['vcpus',
1], ['bo
ot', 'c'], ['fda', ''], ['fdb', ''], ['localtime', 0], ['serial', 'pty'],
ga', 0], ['isa', 0], ['nographic', 0], ['soundhw', ''], ['vnc', 0],
, 1], ['sdl', 1], ['display', ':0'], ['xauthority', '/root/.Xauthority'],
timeoffset', '0'], ['monitor', 0], ['acpi', 1], ['apic', 1], ['usb', 0],
vice', ''], ['keymap', ''], ['vncpasswd', 'XXXXXXXX']]], ['device',
['vbd', ['un
ame', 'file:/mnt/backup/img/sco.dd'], ['dev', 'ioemu:sda'], ['mode',
'w']]], ['d
evice', ['vif', ['bridge', 'xenbr0'], ['type', 'ioemu']]]])
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072)
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Adding Domain: 5
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072)
XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 5 25
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: boot, val: c
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: fda, val: None
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: fdb, val: None
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: soundhw, val: None
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) buildDomain os=hvm dom=5
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) domid          = 5
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) image          =
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) store_evtchn   = 2
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) memsize        = 128
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) vcpus          = 1
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) pae            = 1
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) acpi           = 1
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) apic           = 1
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) createDevice: vbd :
{'uuid': 'f2
7ba312-3e96-b945-71e0-c9cfc6164a6f', 'bootable': 1, 'driver': 'ioemu',
'dev': 'i
oemu:sda', 'uname': 'file:/mnt/backup/img/sco.dd', 'mode': 'w'}
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing
d-id': '0', 'virtual-device': '2048', 'device-type': 'disk', 'state': '1',
end': '/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/5/2048'} to
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing
': 'vm3', 'frontend': '/local/domain/5/device/vbd/2048', 'uuid':
b945-71e0-c9cfc6164a6f', 'dev': 'sda', 'state': '1', 'params':
sco.dd', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '5', 'type': 'file'}
to /loc
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) createDevice: vif :
{'bridge': '
xenbr0', 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'def6e292-dfa2-b0ad-3e96-63691210b601'}
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing
: '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/5/0'} to
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing
': 'xenbr0', 'domain': 'vm3', 'handle': '0', 'uuid':
691210b601', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'state': '1',
'/local/domain/5/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:3b:36:b8', 'online': '1',
tend-id': '5', 'type': 'ioemu'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/5/0.
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) spawning device models:
/xen/bin/qemu-dm ['/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm', '-d', '5', '-vcpus', '1',
 'c', '-serial', 'pty', '-acpi', '-domain-name', 'vm3', '-net',
ddr=00:16:3e:4a:01:66,model=rtl8139', '-net', 'tap,vlan=1,bridge=xenbr0']
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) device model pid: 4866
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Storing VM details:
top': 'ignore', 'shadow_memory': '2', 'uuid':
bf7', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1181676088.83',
'on_poweroff': 'des
troy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'on_crash': 'restart',
'xend/restart_count': '
0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'image': '(hvm (kernel
mloader) (acpi 1) (apic 1) (boot c) (device_model
/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm) (dis
play :0) (isa 0) (localtime 0) (monitor 0) (nographic 0) (pae 1)
 0) (serial pty) (sdl 1) (stdvga 0) (usb 0) (vnc 0) (vncunused 1)
(xauthority /r
oot/.Xauthority) (notes (SUSPEND_CANCEL 1)))', 'name': 'vm3'}
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Storing domain details:
le/port': '3', 'name': 'vm3', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm':
36-0606-a354-403e28e60bf7', 'domid': '5', 'image/suspend-cancel': '1',
ailability': 'online', 'memory/target': '131072',
iprocessor-suspend': '1', 'store/ring-ref': '32766', 'store/port': '2'}
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing
: '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend':
'/local/domain/0/backend/console/5/0'} to /
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing
': 'vm3', 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid':
'd742a098-c19c-6c5c-08b1-d769e732b1c8', '
frontend': '/local/domain/5/device/console/0', 'state': '1', 'location':
'3', 'o
nline': '1', 'frontend-id': '5'} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/5/0.
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Storing domain details:
le/port': '3', 'name': 'vm3', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm':
36-0606-a354-403e28e60bf7', 'domid': '5', 'image/suspend-cancel': '1',
ailability': 'online', 'memory/target': '131072',
iprocessor-suspend': '1', 'store/ring-ref': '32766', 'store/port': '2'}
[2007-06-12 21:21:28 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072)
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vif.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for 0.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices usb.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vbd.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for 2048.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices irq.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vkbd.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vfb.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for 0.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices pci.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices tap.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vtpm.
[2007-06-12 21:21:29 4816] INFO (__init__:1072) Domain vm3 (5) unpaused.
domid: 5
qemu: the number of cpus is 1
Watching /local/domain/5/logdirty/next-active
qemu_map_cache_init nr_buckets = 4000
shared page at pfn 7fff
buffered io page at pfn 7ffd
Time offset set 0
xs_read(): vncpasswd get error.
char device redirected to /dev/pts/3
I/O request not ready: 0, ptr: 0, port: 0, data: 0, count: 0, size: 0
Triggered log-dirty buffer switch

regards Torsten

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