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Re: [Xen-users] Xen and Windows in Fedora 7

On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 03:07:00PM +0400, ymed wrote:
> Yes, I have used this line when I tried Opensuse xen 3.0.3. But there was a
> file in /etc/xev/vm/ dir. I could not find the such file in /etc/xen in
> fedora 7. Where is this configuration file is located?

This was changed in Xen 3.0.4  or later. Previously XenD had no knowledge
of inactive domains which made their management rather limited / hard. In
Xen 3.0.4 there is now full lifecycle management of domains and as such
their config files are stored by XenD itself. They are in a directory
/var/lib/xend/domains, but they are not user-editable there - XenD will
ignore / overwrite any changes you try to make there.  In Fedora 7 our
recommendation is to use libvirt's virsh tool to alter the configs by
first extracting them in XML format, then reloading them into XenD

   virsh dumpxml [guest name] > guest.xml
   vi guest.xml
   virsh define guest.xml

XML is described at  http://libvirt.org/format.html

NB, the XML format does not yet support all of the config options available
(in particular for HVM), so won't work for the --fullscreen example mentioned 
earlier in this thread.

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