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Re: [Xen-users] hvm rtc always set to utc

On Tue September 11 2007 12:41:22 pm Derek wrote:
>  localtime = 1
> Â
> That's supposed toÂset theÂemulated Realtime clock seen by HVM DomUs to
> local time rather than UTC. 
> Unfortunately, as of 3.1.0, it seems to still not work.Â

I just found a workaround yesterday for my winxp hvm guest:


That particular value is -4 hours, which is correct EST daylight savings time, 
and will probably change to -5 hours come standard time,

The other workaround I had been previously using is to sync with another 
computer on your net with 'net'. Eg - in your hvm, type:

net time \\servername /set /yes

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