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[Xen-users] uhmm..

  • To: <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Enrico Maniciati" <enrico.maniciati@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 22:40:42 +0100
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:41:31 -0800
  • List-id: Xen user discussion <xen-users.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: Acgzmaela38sb1CUTIi78nmeqQNlSA==

I see in tools for 3.1 build from source


The file xc_core.c

Make error


I think :


if ( x +y) < (x) then …..


in what case x+y are minor of x ??



10 + 0 < 10  in which kind of mode x+y are minor of x … never J


and the follow example:


return null;



are wrapping


if(class->num)return null; in the same line


not in 2 lines

because the compiler think that the third line are part of if()



sorry for my English


happy c++








Maniciati Enrico


realizzazione e assistenza

reti e sistemi informatici


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