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Re: [Xen-users] xenconsole: Could not read tty from store: No such file or directory

Todd Deshane wrote:

On Feb 7, 2008 1:58 AM, Hamid Majidy <hamid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Xen user list. This is to request installation help for a Xen 3.1
guest domain. Xen installation source was CentOS 5.1 DVD. Dom0 and a guest
(clientdom) have been installed, but clientdom cannot be connected to.
Issuing command "xm create -c clientdom" generates message lines:

  Using config file "./clientdom".

  Started domain clientdom

  xenconsole: Could not read tty from store: No such file or directory

"xen top" shows clientdom (as well as Domain-0) started, but "xm console
clientdom" produces the same error, "xenconsole: Could not read tty from
store: No such file or directory."

HVM guests as far as I know don't yet support consoles.

This may be true for windows, but Linux hvm guests really supports consoles through serial consoles.

For fully virt (Linux): ---

Edit guest configuration file and add "serial = pty"

Then edit guest grub.conf file and add console=ttyS0 to kernel line and add "co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty ttyS0 9600 vt100-nav" to your /etc/inittab.

You should use
either sdl=1 or vnc=1.

If you use vnc you should make sure that xen-config.sxp has the vnc
options enabled and configured to your liking. You may also need to
manually start the vncviewer to see the guest console. The default
setting when enabled let's you do vncviewer localhost.


Here's my clientdom file:

name = "clientdom"

uuid = "6bf7a6a0-d5c6-463e-a395-6d689a1819c5"

maxmem = 256

memory = 256

vcpus = 1

builder = "hvm"

kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"

boot = "d"

pae = 1

acpi = 1

apic = 1

on_poweroff = "destroy"

on_reboot = "restart"

on_crash = "restart"

device_model = "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm"

sdl = 0

vnc = 0

vncunused = 0

vncdisplay = "-5900"

disk = [
"phy:/dev/VolGroup00/client,hda,w","file:/tmp/Centos5.1.iso,hdb:cdrom,r" ]

#vif = [ "mac=00:16:3e:57:66:7d,bridge=xenbr0,type=ioemu" ]

vif = [ "mac=00:16:3e:57:66:7d,bridge=xenbr0" ]

serial = "pty"

Several instances of the symptom have been encountered before, due to
incorrect locations for hvmloader and qemu-dm, which seem to be in the
correct locations in this case (/usr/lib/xen/boot & /usr/lib/xen/bin

Has anyone else run into this and resolved it? Any advice greatly


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