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[Xen-users] Where is the system.map?


my Domain1 is now running.

Then because my subject is to calculate the value of some important memory zones, I should parse the systom.map to locate these important memory zones.
Usually, the system.map is at /boot/system.map
But now, the virtual disk didn't contain /boot as a sub directory........
Then what can I do?

I ran the Domain1 through the following step:
1, Create a disk image file
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/xen/images/Disk.img bs=1M seek=8192 count =1
#mkfs -t ext3 /var/lib/xen/images/Disk.img
2, Copy the host Fedora8 into the image file
#mount -o loop /var/lib/xen/images/Disk.img /mnt
#cp -ax /{root,dev,var,etc,usr,bin,sbin,lib} /mnt
Edit the /etc/fstab to make the /dev/hda1 as root
#mkdir /mnt/{proc,home,sys,tmp}
#umount /mnt
3, Edit the configuration of VM
............the content of the configuration is omitted
4,#xm create -c /etc/xen/Dom1

= =,you can see that when I copied the host OS to the image file, I did not copy the /boot directory.......

Wait for help!!!


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